Latest News
Latest breaking news, pictures, videos, and special reports
Intimidation In Bath
New research reveals public discreditation is the most common tactic used across all three sectors to intimidate researchers, fear Bath University puppets
UKECRF Briefing
The UK Electronic Cigarette Research Forum has released its latest update of the Electronic Cigarette Research Briefing, providing an overview of current ecig evidence
In all probability, Planet of the Vapes brings you the final questions about vaping in Parliament from Dr Caroline Johnson, the Shadow Minister for Health and Social Care
GFN25 Booking Now Open
Booking is now open for #GFN25, the leading international conference, welcoming of consumers, that discusses everything nicotine and tobacco harm reduction
Latest Reviews
Latest reviews of devices, liquids and kit
Smoko Vape Max Kit and Refills
SMOKO are back with a new kit aimed at making vaping simple. We got to check out their brand new Vape Max kit.
SMOK Novo GT pod kit
Smok have been around long enough to know a thing or two about pod kits, and we got to test out their latest one, the Smok Novo GT pod kit
ArgusBar Pro Max
ArgusBar are back with another great option for a greener big puff vape, this time we take a look at the new ArgusBar Pro Max
Geekvape Aegis Boost 3
The Geekvape Aegis range are some of the roughest, toughest mods on the block, so Antony tested out the new Aegis Boost 3 so see if it measures up to its legacy
Latest Vape Deals
The latest online vape deals