Starter Kit Reviews

Juicy Pod 6000 Pro

We like pod kits, and we like juice, so it only seems right to take a look at the new Juicy Pod 6000 Pro!

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We are seeing a lot of these next generation rechargeable, large capacity disposable vapes coming in recently, but I think this latest one from Juicy Pod is the first Pro level one we have seen. But is the label just a marketing ploy, or does it really offer a higher level of experience? Let’s find out as we take a look at the Juicy Pod 6000 Pro.

Who are Juicy Pod?

Juicy Pod have been around for way longer than you may think, since 2013 to be precise. I have to admit that I hadn’t heard the name before, but looking at their site, they certainly have the numbers to show that they are very well established, from their 20000 square metre facility, to their 150+ quality assurance team, Juicy Pod means business. As well as their own product design, they really have a keen focus on the quality of their flavours. They have their own inhouse flavour department, and use only the finest natural ingredients, which makes me very excited to get into this review! 

Another thing they seem very keen to show is how well certified their products are. Normally we have to dig around a bit to find any official certification on disposable products, but Juicy Pod clearly show their range of certifications right there on the home page. These include the TPD compliance, CE conformity, and RoHS certification. Why does this matter? Well it shows that not only are they legally fully compliant, but they also meet with all of the safety standards you should expect from any electrical device or appliance. 

First Impressions

I was sent a lovely presentation box with a selection of flavours and a very handy box of hygiene mouthpiece covers, along with a few extra devices that didn’t come in the main package. I didn’t think the hygiene covers were that great, but it has actually been really useful as I have let a few people try these, and with all the germs around at the moment, it has been surprisingly reassuring! Altogether, I got to try eight different flavours, but the full range consists of a whopping fifteen flavours all together.

The individual boxes are quite chunky, roughly the size of an average pod kit, and I was expecting it to be a case of big box, lots of waste, but when I opened the first one, I soon realised there was a reason for the larger box. These things are chunky! Inside the box, you will find the kit in a tear to open packet, you know the drill here! Once inside, you get your first look at the Juicy Pod 6000 Pro, and the first thing you will notice, other than the size, is it has a screen! Now the Pro tag is starting to make sense! 

I really like the design here. The outer body of the device is clear plastic so you can see all of the insides, and I really have a thing for transparent kits. The top section houses the electronics side of things so you can see the board, which is satisfyingly tidy looking, and this is also where the internal 2ml tank and the dual mesh coil are hidden away. The lower section is split in two, one side holds the battery, and the other is for the 10ml juice container.

There have been many times where my cockiness has ended up biting me in the backside, and this is one of those times as I didn’t bother to look at the clearly illustrated instructions. The e-liquid container comes in a separate bottle, with a cap that needs to be removed. That bit is obvious, but I thought the dangly down plastic tube like thing hanging down from the device was possibly a straw for the juice to travel up, so I stuck it in the bottle and tried to fit everything together and it didn’t fit. I tried several times, and each was as successful as the first attempt, so I admitted defeat and looked at the instruction pictures…doh! The dangly bit was attached to a cover which needed to be removed, and you use that bit to tug to release it. Once removed, the bottle fitted in with a firm click. On the plus side, pulling those stretchy rubber things is very satisfying! But before you insert the bottle, make sure you remove all the stickers. It is obvious which to remove, and by taking them away, you are left with a much cleaner looking kit.

The final step is to remove the bung from the mouthpiece, and then you can vape. But wait….there’s more. Your first inhale will light up the screen a bright green, stealth vaping is not an option here! But the screen is pretty cool as it shows your battery level, so you don’t need to guess how much charge you have left, a very useful feature on a rechargeable disposable, and it also shows your wattage. Right in the middle of the upper section, you’ll find a button and you can press this to change your power! This may not sound that exciting, but I think this is the first time I have seen it on this kind of device. You can only change it from between 17W and 22W, but this can still make the difference between a more intense flavour or a slightly longer battery life. 

So far I am very intrigued by the Juicy Pod 6000 Pro kit, but it comes with a reservation. All of these great features come at a price, and that is the amount of waste these will still generate. Not only are you ultimately going to have to throw out the battery, now there is the additional control board and screen. This makes them harder to recycle, so please, if you do decide these are the kits for you, recycle responsibly!

Having a battery bar indicator is so much easier to use than the usual light system most of these types of devices have, and when you are down to one bar, it is time to charge. The USB-C port is on the side, but is quite deeply recessed so less chance of pocket fluff finding its way in. Charging is quite quick, certainly fast enough to get you out of trouble in a pinch. A full charge of the 650mAh battery should take around 40 minutes. You will need to lie the kit down though as the base of the kit is slightly rounded, so it struggles to balance.

The Flavours 

As I said earlier, the full line up consists of fifteen flavours, and Juice Pod kindly sent us eight to try out, all fruit. All of the remaining flavours are also fruits apart from one single tobacco variety.

Triple Mango

Normally when things are called triple anything, it just means big flavour, and this is true here, but it also tastes like you get the full spectrum of mango tasting notes, from the drier, barely ripe, green mango to the almost over ripe fruit that the juice drips all down your chin and over your shirt and just about everything in-between. There is a light level of ice to keep things cool and fresh, and it works well to brighten the flavour. This is one of the nicest disposable mango flavours I’ve had to date.

Blueberry Sour Raspberry

This was a real surprise. The initial flavour is an almost dry sour raspberry , it’s got a real bite, but just when you think it may almost be too sour, the sweet and very full blueberry comes through, and it is so good. I love the spot where both flavours meet and you get the crossover between them. It has been really cleverly done. I am not usually that impressed by sour flavours as they don’t usually deliver what they promise, but this is superb. The finish from the sweet blueberry juice is heavenly.

Cherry Ice

This is a great cherry with a careful balance between the lighter, sweeter red cherry, and the depth and richness of a black cherry, and the juiciness is perfect. The ice comes up midway through, but it is very mild and just adds a fresh feel rather than changing the flavour. It is a top quality flavour, and one I wish came as a stand alone e-liquid as it would become a staple in my juice collection.

Sour Apple Ice

This is exactly what is says on the label, with that sour hit coming in strong, followed by a sweet, crisp, realistic apple, and finished off with an icy flash. The apple is impressive, it tastes like good quality freshly squeezed apple juice. Personally, I’d prefer it without the sour notes, but that is just my preference, and saying that , the flavour does work well. 

Watermelon Ice

This is a fairly standard flavour for disposables, but after the quality of the range so far, I was looking forward to seeing what Juicy Pod have done with their version, and they have knocked it out of the park. This is a great full range flavour, you know when you eat a slice of watermelon, you first get the sweeter bits and as you get deeper and closer to the skin, the fruit takes on different textures? Well this flavour manages to cover it all. It is, as you’d expect, light and refreshing, which is boosted by the light level of ice.

Pineapple Ice

I really love pineapple flavours, and this did not disappoint. To me, it tastes like tinned pineapple with that sweet syrup from the fruit mixing with the juice. The ice adds a slightly bitter note which works quite well, but I can take it or leave it. The pineapple is the star here though, it is spot on.

Strawberry Raspberry Cherry Ice

I am surprised they managed to get the full name on the little label you can see on the bottle, but they did, and they also manage to get each of those flavours in the vape too, blended to perfection. You really can taste everything, although the cherry is slightly stronger and leaves a great aftertaste. It has a great through hit too, thanks to the raspberry. The ice is smooth and delicate, and really just adds lightness. This is a great combination done very well. 

Lemon Lime

Another classic disposable flavour, and this is fairly standard, but only because it is very hard to mess up lemon and lime. This one is more on the sharper side which I prefer, but has also has a smoother sweeter side when the lime kicks in. This was the only flavour that had a distinct sweetener flavour, which is a bit of a shame, although most people probably are not as sensitive as I am. It is still a great flavour, but for me, it isn’t quite as good as some of the other, but the bar has been set very high.

Final Thoughts

When these were sent in, I wasn’t that excited. We get loads of disposables in, and whilst they all tend to have good flavour, once you’ve tasted one, you’ve tasted them all, but then I tried the Juicy Pod 6000 Pro range, and I have to admit, I was pretty blown away. The flavours are fantastic, really well mixed, and you can tell they have been made using top quality ingredients. The shape and style of the actual kit is nice, they feel good to hold despite being on the large size, and the screen is a nice addition. The option to change the power is also great as you can customise your vape to your own preference. 

I wish there was a way to easily strip the finished device down to make recycling easier, I am not a fan of all that waste, but at least you get 12ml of e-liquid before you need to think about disposal. 

Keep an eye out in your local vape shops for the Juicy Pod 6000 Pro, and if they don’t stock them yet, see if they can get them in as these are easily one of the best tasting disposable devices currently on the market.

Many thanks to Juicy Pod for sending the Juicy Pod 6000 Pro range in for review.

  • Amazing Flavour
  • Rechargeable
  • larger juice capacity
  • Battery level and screen
  • Extra electronic waste when finished
Michelle (Purplefowler) avatar

When her usual forum closed, Michelle found herself in a brave new world full of excitement that something fresh and new was happening. A few days later she somehow found herself on the moderating team and is still not really sure how that happened. Even stranger, she slowly worked her way up to admin and now helps behind the scenes, liasing with vendors and coordinating social media but she can still be found making smutty comments on the forum. If all that wasn't enough, she also is a proud member of the Potv review team specialising in E-liquid reviews for the discerning vaper.

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