Vape Reviews

E-Liquid Reviews

PULP Juices

PULP juice is the creation of French based e-liquid company Sunny Smoker. VapeMaster met the CEO of PULP, Gilles Toledano at the Harrogate Expo to find out about the company and sample some of their range.

E-Liquid Reviews

Virgin Vapor

Virgin Vapor is another American e-liquid company. Led by Annette Rodgers with the help of her team they have one goal in mind, to provide the highest quality e-liquid available. Their range is extensive and they ensure that all of their liquid is only flavoured with certified organic flavourings.

E-Liquid Reviews


Decadent Vapours should be very well known to many vaper's and especially to DIY e-juice enthusiasts. Their Djinni range, consistig of 10 new e-juices, comes from the experts at Decadent Vapours - flavour suppliers to many of the best-known vape brands.

Sub-Ohm Tank Reviews

Sense Herakles

The Sense Herakles, produced by Sense Technology Company Limited promises to offer performance on a level with the best rebuildables out there, handling high wattage with ease whilst still offering outstanding flavour and vapour results, and a unique finned airflow control design to optimise performance. There has been an awful lot of hype about the Sense Herakles online - it offers much on paper, but does it deliver?

Mod Reviews

HCigar HB Mini

The HCigar HB Mini box mod is a revision of the now discontinued HCigar TBD Mini. Containing a whole new board designed and manufactured in collaboration with eLeaf this compact device offers users up to 30 watts of adjustable power.

Mech-Mod Reviews

American Muscle V2 by Gearspek

Personally, a dual 18650 unregulated box mod is what I go for when looking to blow some seriously big clouds with sub 0.2ohm builds. There is just something about the raw power of these beauties that captivates me and I never seem to get the same experience with regulated box mods. I have to say, being an RDA user mainly, that unregulated box mods are what I kick back with when I get home and just fancy letting off some clouds.

E-Liquid Reviews

Colonel Boom's Bang Bang Juice

Colonel Booms juices are one of the most highly rated juices on various review websites and are widely talked about as exceptional juices amongst the vaping fraternity. Does the quality stack up? Lets see.

E-Liquid Reviews

The Captain's Reserve

Ahoy landlubber vapers there's a new ship in port bringing flavoursome riches from strange and distant lands that many a villainous rogue would love to get their grubby little paws on. The Captain's Reserve are a UK based e-liquid company. All of their liquids are manufactured in the United Kingdom and their juice is all hand made and in small batches.

Sub-Ohm Tank Reviews

Vision MK Tank

Introducing the MK Tank from Vision High-Tech Electronics Ltd. The MK is another sub ohm tank for your consideration. Incorporating very large airflow and solid construction. Vision, for those not familiar with them, are a Chinese manufacturer based in Shenzhen and one of their earliest products was the Vision Spinner EGO battery that many of you may have used in the past.

Sub-Ohm Tank Reviews

Arctic Sub Ohm Tanks by HorizonTech

For Sub Ohm tank fans everywhere HorizonTech brings you the Arctic, available as a standard sized Bottom Turbine Coil tank or as a much larger Bottom Dual Turbine Coil Tank. Shenzhen Horizon Tech Co. Ltd are based in China and their main focus is producing original designs for the e-cigarette market. With very large airflow the Arctic looks promising but is it really as good as it appears?
