There are numerous problems here certainly. The tanks themselves are very well made and could be potentially excellent but the coils are largely undesirable to use in their current state. No consumer should have to boil the coils they have purchased to get a decent vape, nor should they have to concern themselves with watching tank fill levels or vaping at a lower wattage when the coils are rated far higher. Considering the sheer amount of messing about a user has to experience with this product I would personally suggest you look at other tanks. There is a great deal of choice in the vaping market and as consumers we can certainly afford to be selective about what we choose to use.
I am left feeling extremely disappointing because these tanks could have been great products and if not for the leaking and the poor quality coils they would be. I do wonder how Oscar Wilde would have put it if he had ever vaped in his lifetime:
To make one poor coil could be considered accidental. To make a whole bunch of them seems like carelessness.

Dave Junglist
Reviewer at POTVDave Junglist is co-owner of Planet of the Vapes and has been vaping since 2015. He spent his early years with his head in a bass bin and was a very committed and experienced smoker. He had his first cigarette at the age of 13 and just knew it was for him. He did stop briefly with the aid of patches but reverted quickly and became a ‘secret’ smoker, working hard to keep his weak will from the attention of his family. Vaping made an honest man of him and for this he is forever thankful. He has been involved in websites since completing a degree in Environmental Science in the late nineties. At that time there was pretty much no contact with computers but on joining the regular workforce and deciding that the world-wide-web was the future he blagged his first job as a web designer and never looked back. As you would expect from a junglist, Dave likes his beats and is most comfortable when the bass is wobbly.
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