E-Liquid Reviews

Memers Liq Nic Salts

New kids on the block, Memers Vape, have released a new range of nicotine salts, Memers Liq, and we got to try them out

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Memers Vape have been creating quite the buzz recently with a raft of new releases and some really interesting ideas that could push vaping in new and exciting directions. But Memers Vape are a relatively new name who you may not have heard of, so we are going to get some introductions sorted first before we get into this review of their own Memers Liq salts range.

Who are Memers Vape?

It is always exciting to come across new vape brands, especially when they hit the scene running so hard that they leave scorch marks! But if you have even a passing interest in disposables and big puff vapes, you probably have already unknowingly crossed their path as Memers Vape were set up in 2023 by SKE whose Crystal disposable devices are right at the top of the tree when it comes to both flavour and performance.

Memers Vape really have an eye on the future though, they are bursting with fresh ideas and novel approaches to vape technology. This review is about the e-liquid, but if you want to learn more, check out their website where you can see what interesting stuff they are up to, with both hardware design and AI integration. It is fascinating stuff, even if a lot of it is a bit beyond me! 

Memers Vape are also about the community, and rather than distantly posting on the usual social media sites, they have a very active Discord community. Now I may be old, but I am also a big gamer, so I’ve been using Discord for a few years now, but this is the first time I think I’ve seen a link to a brands Discord on their packaging instead of the usual Facebook/twitter/Instagram links. Once again, Memers Vape are trying to stay one step ahead of the game.

So that is the intros over and done with, let’s get to the main event, the review of the new Memers Liq nic salts range.

First Impressions

The Memers Liq range is a fully TPD compliant range of nic salts which have been designed to really sing in a MTL pod kit. As I said earlier, they have a strong link to SKE, and here at POTV, we absolutely love the flavours in Crystal bars, so I was really excited to see how good these liquids are in my own pod kit. With the Tobacco and Vapes Bill looking to wipe out traditional disposables, these could be a great way to get that fantastic flavour in a more sustainable form. Fingers crossed they deliver!

Each bottle of Memers Liq contains 2% nicotine (or 20mg for us traditionalists) in a 50PG/50VG base. As these are TPD compliant, they only come in 10ml bottles. Another big tick comes from the use of recycled materials making up the bottles and packaging, we all have to do our bit, right? 

There are currently fifteen flavours in the Memers Liq range, mostly fruits but there is also a menthol and a cola. As these are meant to replicate disposables, there will be sweetener and cooling, but I probably didn’t need to say this at this stage of the game!

Strawberry Kiwi

Now I have said before that I don’t rate kiwi, it is overused and usually badly implemented, but I was happy to go in with an open mind, especially when I got my first smell. It smelled so sweet and juicy, So I took a huge first puff, and nearly had my breath taken away. You know where I said there would be levels of cooling? Well I think I hit the motherlode! Lesson learned, I went in for a more realistic, gentle toot second time round and was rewarded with a jammy sweet strawberry which was rich and deliciously deep, followed up with a lightly refreshing kiwi which sits back a little so works perfectly in the mix. I was surprised that the sweetness comes from a more natural sugary flavour so there is absolutely no bitterness. Good start!

Pineapple Ice

After my first ambitious puff, I went in a bit more carefully this time. Then I went back in for more, and again, and again, and again…yep, I like this a lot! Yes it is cool in a way that hits the back of your throat, but the pineapple is warm and syrupy. I love good pineapple flavours, and this is top tier. It has the perfect combination of pure tropical juice with a tart tang. It is a very authentically perfectly ripe fruit, desert island quality stuff.

Berry Lemonade

This one packs a punch! It is a very sharp lemon mixed into a very traditional lemonade, juice and sugar rather than carbonated fizz, which is then lifted by a sweet berry medley. Normally berry just means a generic mix of general fruit style flavour, but I could clearly pick out blueberry and raspberry. It is a great mix. Topping it off is a cool hit, quite strong but perfectly placed in this recipe.

Mexican Mango

I almost didn’t want to taste this as it smells so good that I didn’t want to risk being disappointed! But I couldn’t sit around just sniffing the bottle all day, so in we go! This is ripe but not over ripe, so it still has that slightly green taste. It is a clean mango, juicy but not too heavy. It would be a great all day mango, one that you wouldn’t get sick of or bogged down by. It once again has a strong cold hit which lightens things up a lot.

Blueberry Sour Raspberry

They aren’t messing around with the sour here, it definitely has that cheek tweaking sensation which many try to nail, but few manage to pull off. But it isn’t a one trick pony, under the sour sensation, there is a very solid blueberry and raspberry foundation. This is a fun flavour which really sings in the pod kit of your choice.

Lemon Lime

I was expecting to get hit with a large helping of ice, but whilst it is there, this is all about the citrus. It has that perfect combination of sharpness from the lemon, and it really does cut through, with the smoother, sweeter lime. It is a very common flavour these days, but this is a really good blend with both fruits coming through cleanly and clearly.

Strawberry Watermelon

Another classic combo, the watermelon is just about on the right side of too strong, just a touch more would be too much, but it just about holds back. The strawberry is very subtle, just highlighting the sweeter side of the recipe. It is quite cool. It wouldn’t be one for me, but if you like this classic mix, and are not shy with ice, this might be one for you.

Strawberry Cherry Cranberry

This is an interesting flavour; cranberry doesn’t come up often enough which is a real shame as it brings something quite unique to most recipes. Here you get that jammy strawberry layered with a rich velvety cherry, together making a great base, but then there is a crisp, dry cranberry, not quite sour, not quite tart, but somewhere in the middle. It makes for a different flavour, and I like different!

Watermelon Ice

This is the only one I don’t really like, but that is just watermelon flavours. This isn’t a bad one, it is just a little strong, and without any other flavour to balance things out, it becomes a bit too repetitive. Don’t get me wrong, it isn’t a bad flavour by any stretch, I just don’t get moved by watermelon juices these days.

Grape Ice

I like this flavour, but I doesn’t taste like grape. It reminds me of something, but I can’t quite put my finger on what it is. It is quite earthy and has a strangely pleasant mustiness. I know that may not be selling it, but somehow it works. There is a natural sweetness to it too. The ice is there, but it isn’t as strong as I thought it might have been. I just wish I could place what it reminds me of.

Cola Ice

This is very icy which gives it a rather bitter flavour, so it is more like a diet soda. It is quite refreshing, but the ice is a tad too strong to let the flavour really show. It is a shame as I love cola vapes, but this is just too fresh, it almost made my lips feel numb.

Fresh Menthol

After the cola, I almost dreaded what was in store, but it turns out that this is a really yummy mint flavour rather than true menthol. It is fresh and sweet, coming it somewhere above spearmint but below Trebor extra strong. It does have that menthol clean vibe, but it feels smooth and clean. This is a great mint e-liquid, taking the best of what mints can deliver when handled right.

Kiwi Passionfruit Guava

This is a pretty classic disposable flavour, and one I have been dismissive of in the past as I has been done so many times before. But I enjoyed this one, mainly because the kiwi is nicely subdued, so you get more of the guava and the passionfruit, and I prefer stronger tropical flavours. It is quite a tart flavour but there is sweetness too and they kind of balance each other out. The kiwi kind of grounds things and pulls it together.

Cherry Ice

We are finishing on a solid note, with a decent, if not spectacular cherry. It ticks all the right boxes, with a good balance of sweetness, slightly rich notes, and a mellow depth. It is more like a cherry lozenge flavour rather than fresh berries, but this time of year, it makes for a welcome vape. The ice adds to that flavour profile too.

Final Thoughts

If you like disposable flavours/ bar salts style e-liquids, the Memers Liq range is a very solid selection especially if you are coming away from disposable/semi disposable devices. These will give you a similar experience but in your own kit, so you can really make them your own. Most tended to be on the fresher side of ice, so that will be quite a big deciding factor on whether these are for you, but they are all strong and full of flavour. I look forward to seeing how they perform with some of Memers Vapes own hardware too, I reckon they could be a real treat. 

Many thanks to Memers Vape for sending in the Memers Liq range for review

  • Good alternative to disposables
  • Recycled packaging
  • Clean vape that is kind to your coils
  • Some are very iced, even by bar standards
  • Some flavours are less accurate than others
Michelle (Purplefowler) avatar

When her usual forum closed, Michelle found herself in a brave new world full of excitement that something fresh and new was happening. A few days later she somehow found herself on the moderating team and is still not really sure how that happened. Even stranger, she slowly worked her way up to admin and now helps behind the scenes, liasing with vendors and coordinating social media but she can still be found making smutty comments on the forum. If all that wasn't enough, she also is a proud member of the Potv review team specialising in E-liquid reviews for the discerning vaper.

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