E-Liquid Reviews

JNP Bar Salts 6000+

Juice N Power sent over their latest creations for us to try, the JNP Bar Salt 6000+ range

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Juice N Power sent me a lovely presentation box with twenty of their JNP Bar Salts 6000+ in it. I’ve been at it all week tasting them and here are the results.

Juice N Power are a UK based company that do several ranges of e-liquids and other vaping products, including disposable vapes, pod devices, and coils. Their main focus seems to be e-liquid and disposables though and, as noted, there are several ranges of them to choose from. I was sent their JNP Bar Salts 6000+, and with twenty eight flavours to choose from in the whole range, there’s a lot of choice.

On first impression, the whole set up looks very professional. The boxes are those ones that are double the size, to incorporate the nicotine warnings and the branding properly. The front has a picture of the juice bottle and the fact that these are bar salts, giving the approx. 6000+ puffs that 10ml suggests you get. On one side they reinforce the 6000+ puffs idea, and the nicotine strength is also noted quite clearly at the top. On the other side, there’s a statement telling you to ‘Feel The Power’ along with a short description of the flavour that’s in the bottle, quite a handy addition as some of the names of the juices don’t give away every flavour that’s in the mix. Under that is the social media information and a QR code, and finally on the back of the box is all the usual legal stuff.

Opening the box reveals just a bottle of juice. There are no plastic covers or packets, making the package that bit more environmentally friendly than some, and the bottles branding is quite simple, with a shiny label that states the brand, flavour, PG/VG ratio, and the nicotine strength on the front, and all the other usual warnings etc around the label.

In general, as with most bar salts, the flavours themselves have an aspect of sweetener and cooling throughout. I found that the flavours themselves were well done, with some different ones for me to try. I’m mainly a fruit or beverage vaper myself, and there were a couple of tobaccos in there, so it was nice to try something out of my comfort zone for a change.

Anyway, enough waffling (sorry, no waffle flavours), here is what each of the twenty flavours I received taste like to me, with the occasional bit of input from my wife who is a massive disposable vape fan. As I usually say, this is just my own opinion, everyone’s different so it’s not a definitive guide to how the juices taste.

Blue Cherry Pineapple 

“A blend of sweet and tart blueberries & cherries with ripe pineapples!”

First off, this is a super sweet juice and there’s a distinct cold effect to it. I found the cherry was the dominant flavour but the there’s a strong blueberry with an almost bubblegum aspect in there too. The pineapple brings a nice tartness in at the end of the aftertaste, and the cherry seems to turn into an almost glacier cherry. It’s a nice start.

Aloe Vera Grape

“A mix of the slight bitterness of aloe and a sweet punch of juicy grapes’

I’ve seen, and tried, a couple of versions of this flavour now and there’s something strangely addictive to it, even though at first it doesn’t hit that well. The aloe gives a different aspect to the dark grape flavour, it’s almost bitter, but the sweetness also shines out, and I genuinely like the contrast. With the aloe in there, it threatens to taste like hand cream on your first draw but that never materialises as the dark, sweet grape lifts the aloe right up. I don’t know why I like it, but I do!

Double Apple Shisha

“An authentic shisha flavour with a mix of red and green apples!”

This is the first tobacco I’ve tried for a while and you can taste the shisha part right away, then the apples come in subtly and sweeten it up a bit. I also get a slight touch of aniseed from the tobacco and it all mixes in nicely. If you like shisha flavours then I think this is a decent representation of one.

Black Mamba

“A killer blend of dark berries, peach and dragon fruit"

I always avoid the descriptions so that I can try to figure out what’s in the flavours first, and I had to look after a few draws on this one as they’re mixed well and it was hard to discern what was going on, but in a good way. I like flavours that become their own thing after being mixed, and this is one of those. The dark berries don’t overpower the other flavours and while the peach is quite subtle, it’s in there, and once I knew it was there, I could taste it. To top it all off, the dragon fruit goes together with the other two nicely and leaves you with a lovely vape overall.

Strawberry Banana

“A classic mix of sweet strawberries & creamy bananas!”

Ugh banana. Please don’t let my distaste of bananas put you off. It is a creamy banana but is also very sweet on the aftertaste. I’m finding these juices to all have a kick of sweet at the end, rather than throughout. The banana seems stronger to me and the strawberry is a sweeter one that melts into it. There’s a slight off taste to the strawberry for me personally but it could be that the strawberry flavour has a touch of greenness to it, which isn’t to my tastes at all.

Bronze Tobacco

“The mixed taste of bittersweet tobacco and nutty creamy pistachios”

There’s a definite nuttiness to this tobacco, which seems to me a toasted Virginia style tobacco. I get a slight ashiness, but I think that’s true for most tobaccos anyway, and it is very slight. The nut doesn’t take over either, so it’s mixed in well to give a nice taste. I’m not a big tobacco vape fan, but this is pleasant and woody overall.

Strawberry Raspberry Cherry

“A trio flavour that combines strawberries raspberries and cherries”

At first the cherry comes in strong with the raspberry and strawberry being present as well. In general, it’s a sweet medley of fruits with a nice cold kick and a blast of sweetener. I felt I was getting a different fruit on every draw, sometimes the cherry would be forward, sometimes the raspberry, and sometimes the strawberry would be in the lead. It was a nice experience and they have done a good job on this one.

Blue Razz Gummy Bear

“A playful blend of blue raspberries and sweet gummy bears”

Now this is a nice blue raspberry flavour. It’s very fruity and strong with no off tastes from the blue aspect of it. The sweetness works brilliantly here, and there’s a sticky gummy texture on the aftertaste. Definitely the best of the bunch for me so far.

French Vanilla Latte

“A flavour inspired by the popular vanilla latte by Tim Hortons!'

I’ve never tried Tim Hortons latte, so I have no comparison here. What I do get is that it’s very, very creamy with the coffee flavour coming in strong after the cream and vanilla have had their way with you. And it’s a nice authentic coffee flavour. Personally, it’s a bit too sickly for me and I’d have preferred the reverse, with the coffee being more forward, but I can see those who like a sweet creamy coffee flavour loving it.

Blackcurrant Aniseed

“An intense mix of liquorice flavour of aniseed and juicy blackcurrants!'

I was preparing to get the flamethrower out to clean my RDA after this one as aniseed always seems to taint the tank once you’ve used it, but I was pleasantly surprised to discover that the aniseed is very well mixed in this juice. It isn’t as overly done as it usually is, even in some of the more popular mixes, and it sits well with the sweet, fruity blackcurrant that’s been used here. A quick wash of the RDA, and it was back to business for the next flavour.

Watermelon Breeze

“A refreshing mix of juicy watermelon and ice”

This one has a lot of cooling in it, making it a cold, cold vape. Underneath it’s a fresh and sweet watermelon which is quite realistic at first but then the sweetener comes crashing in and gives a slightly artificial flavour. It’s quite a light and breezy watermelon, which is refreshing.

Caribbean Crush

“An exotic flavour mix of tropical mango, pineapple and grapes!”

I got pineapple, a hint of mango, and something else. I could not for the life of me place it until I read the description to see it was grape! It makes for a sweet tropical vape with a different kind of vibe to it that seems to just work. It’s a touch too sweet for me personally, but it is a nice flavour and it’s good to see vape juice makers try something different.

Kiwi Passionfruit Guava

“An exotic mix of tropical kiwi, passionfruit and guava!”

I quite enjoyed this one as the kiwi and passionfruit mixed well with a boost of guava which wasn’t too overwhelming. I usually find this flavour is kiwi and guava centric, with the passionfruit lurking about in the back, but it’s the guava that’s the lurker here. Again, the sweetener seems to come in at the end, as with a lot of the juices in this range, but it’s not overly done with this one.

Cherry Cola

“A nostalgic blend that perfectly mimics the classic cherry cola!”

The cola is nice, like an off-brand cola drink that your mum used to give you instead of the expensive ones. That doesn’t mean it’s not tasty though, it is. The cherry blends in well but does leave a slight chemical taste, as cherries sometimes do. Overall, the juice is not too sweet and it is decent.

Mixed Berries

“A fruity blend of strawberries, raspberries and blueberries.”

These are some nice and sweet berries. I’ve found that I really enjoy the raspberries in this range of juice, they come across well with the right amount of sweetness and the right amount of tart. The strawberry here is a sweet, light one again, and the blueberry rides in and tames all the sweetness down a bit, while being strong in flavour as well. One of the best of the bunch for me.

Blueberry Raspberry

“A fruity blend of sweet and tart blueberries & raspberries!”

Ah the lovely raspberry again! I do enjoy it. On this one I noticed that the sweetener does boost the raspberry well. Add on the sweet blueberry with a hint of blueberry mustiness and it is indeed a fruity blend. This one’s cold, and the more you vape it the nicer it gets.

Blue Sour Raspberry

“A thrilling flavour of sweet and sour blue raspberries.”

Juice n power really know their raspberries! This one does actually have a pronounced sour effect to it and that’s hard for me to notice as I don’t get that a lot in so called ‘sour’ juices. You’re never going to get a vape juice that puckers your lips, but this one does get some of the way there. Again, I need to mention that the sweetness comes on afterwards.

Fresh Mint

“A refreshing flavour of crisp and cool mint.”

Cold, cold and strong sweeeeeeet mint. It’s a peppermint vape that’s cold, strong, and super fresh. I’ve had a few mints lately that taste just like mint leaves, and this is another that’s impressing me with that. The wife says this would be a perfect morning vape to wake you up, and I don’t disagree.

Juicy Peach

“A fruity blend of juicy and floral sweetness of peaches.”

I don’t get floral at all. What I do get is what may be almost the perfect peach flavour for me, if there was no cooling in it, it’d be exactly what I like. It really does capture the fruit nicely, and there’s the slight fuzz of peach skin, the fleshy part, and even the taste of the flesh around the stone, without any of the stone flavour seeping in. Truly lovely and, as I say, if I could take the cooling out, this could be one of my favourite juices ever.

Banana Ice

“A cool blend of creamy bananas & menthol ice.”

I have already voiced my distaste for bananas, and here I am doing it again. I don’t like them. This one is a foam banana with a coating of sugar on top. It’s a very distinctive flavour and this is a strong version of that, with a blast of cooling to go. My wife loves it, I do not.


Here are POTV reviews, we give a score up to ten to rate the things we are reviewing (even though only 5 stars show). I was firmly stuck on 7 for these JNP Bar Salts 6000+ until I got to the raspberries and then the peach one. They shot my rating up by one. It’s not that the others are bad, by any means, they just don’t hit like the ones I really like, but I really like what they’ve done with some of the flavours. The black mamba one is a different take, as is the Caribbean crush. I would never have guessed the flavours in them if I didn’t have descriptions there. 

I also like that JNP have added the tobacco and coffee vapes to this range. It means that people who are not just into fruit can try them out to see if they’re good for them as well. Even if they’re not my favourite flavour profiles, they are pretty well done. As for the profiles I do like, the fruits, they are all done nicely. 

Thanks again to Juice N Power for sending me the JNP Bar Salt 6000+ range to try out. 

  • Some different flavours to try
  • Raspberry ones are lovely
  • Peach is the bomb
  • A touch sweet for me sometimes
Stephen Gitsham avatar

Stephen Gitsham

Reviewer at POTV
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I was a very militant smoker for many years…why would I stop doing the only thing I had left that I liked doing?  Then I fell into vaping in 2017.  My wife bought a cheap kit off from Amazon that stopped working and I took it to a local vape shop to see what they could do with it.  An hour later and full of new knowledge about watts, ohms, and juice strength, I headed home with a new nautilus mini tank for her and raved to her about the helpful guy in the shop. I must have bored her with all my new found information.  I tried her vape that night, and a week later bought my own kit. Then I found POTV and the amazingly helpful and generous people on it. A month later I was making my own (disgusting) vape juice, and a month after that I was winding coils for my new RDA.  Six years on and I'm much better at making juice, and I now have no money but lots of shiny mods and tanks

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