E-Liquid Reviews

IVG Crushed Shortfills and Salts

Time for another legendary Potv tag team review! This time Si and Michelle go head to head with the IVG Crushed range of Shortfills and Salts

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IVG are one of the most recognisable brands in the UK market and with good reason. They first burst on to the scene back in 2016 and have grown massively since then. Their founder is clearly a man with vision and ambition, and in the years since they first hit the market, they have seriously spread their wings, becoming big players across the world. They proudly spread their reach across six continents and are stocked in over 100 counties. Not only that, but they are also multi award winners. To say these guys know what they are doing is an understatement, they are one of the greatest success stories from the UK Vaping scene.

Part of their success is down to the sheer number of flavours they have in their arsenal, and they just keen adding to it. This time round, we are looking at the new Crushed range, the perfect selection for the hot summer days that we currently have (although by the time this review is published, it will probably be snowing, don’t you just love British weather!). They very kindly sent over both the shortfills range and the same selection in the nic salts range. Sadly we hit a slight problem, I really don’t get on with salts, they give me a really tight chest and make me cough which is not what you need when out and about at the moment! So I did my best grovelling and went cap in hand to Si who jumped in to save the day! So I am delighted to say this will be another legendary POTV tag team review!

IVG Crushed range Shortfills

The Shortfills

These are the standard 50ml of 70VG\30PG juice with space to add your nic short. The bottles are firm but still squeezy, just perfect for filling a tank as you can really control the flow. The graphics are fresh and eye catching, with their signature metallic pattern with different colours to differentiate each flavour. Each one is clearly different, so you won’t accidentally grab the wrong bottle. All the usual information is printed on the label, and somehow they have managed to squeeze it all in in English, Spanish and German. Even more impressive is that they have made it all clear and easy to read whilst making it look uncluttered. I particularly love the silver lids, I am a total magpie so anything shiny automatically grabs my attention.

Frozen Cherries

“Indulge in a combination of freshly handpicked red cherries, splashed with a blast of crushed ice, giving you a sweet and icy burst of flavour.”

Frozen Cherries is one of IVG’s big sellers, and with good reason. It is fresh and fruity and has a lovely, sweet depth of flavour. They have been quite clever with the level of flavour, it is strong enough for the taste to come through clearly but not so much that it becomes chemically or too artificial. I love cherry juices but so many taste like nail varnish remover because mixers don’t know when enough is enough. IVG have managed to avoid that pitfall so that is a big thumbs up for me. I am also not a massive fan of iced juices that give your tongue frostbite, so I was relieved that this is fairly gently chilled. I know some people love that artic blast but it does nothing for me so again, I was very happy with the levels here. All together this makes for a sweet and easy, refreshingly light cherry vape.

Crushed E-liquid Range Frozen Cherry Shortfill

Paradise Lagoon

“Juicy pineapples on ice, softly blended with ripe papaya chunks and citrus elements, leaving you with a delicious taste of paradise.”

I dipped my feet blind into Paradise Lagoon as I like to go in without any preconceived ideas of what I should be looking for, blind tasting is a very good judge of the mixing skills. I have to say that I didn’t get much of the papaya, I guess that is where the sweetness comes from and that really helped to smooth things down nicely as the pineapple and citrus were much stronger and it could have easily become a bunfight between two of them. It definitely flattened the throat hit that pineapple e-liquids often come with. The bit that really stook out for me was the sharp citrus, it is a really fresh lime which really cut through the sweeter elements. As I hadn’t read the profile, I wasn’t expecting it so it was a very welcome surprise. Once again, the iced element is quite subtle which really allows the flavours to shine.

Crushed E-liquid Range Paradise Lagoon Shortfill

Green Energy

“Stimulate all of your senses with this powerful punch of your favourite energy drink, crushed with lime and ice, giving you the meanest all day buzz”

I have a confession, I have no idea what green energy drinks are! It is a flavour which often comes up in juice menus though but that means I only know it is via the many different interpretations that I’ve tried. So I can’t comment on how authentic this is, but I can tell you whether it tastes good. I have to say that for me, it was the weakest of the line-up. It was a fairly mellow but sweet lemony flavour, personally I like my citrus flavours to bite back and this one doesn’t do that. For people who prefer a sweeter lemon, this will be more up their street. It was still pleasant and easy to vape, but it didn’t have me gripped like some of the others in the range.

Crushed E-liquid Range Green Energy Shortfill

Iced Melonade

“Deliciously fresh and fruity watermelon, shaken not stirred, with a dash of galia melon and sweet and tangy lemonade on ice.”

Iced Melonade was the big surprise from the selection IVG sent over. I love melon flavours and I love lemon flavours, but together I wasn’t too sure. I thought the melon would be beaten into submission and the contrast would be too great, but I was very wrong. This is just about the perfect mix of flavours for summer, it is light and fruity with just the right amount of cool chill and it just works. You can definitely tell there are a few different melon flavours, and who doesn’t love a juicy pair of melons! I found myself repeatedly reaching for this bottle and, along with the Frozen Cherries, it has become a go to juice for when I want something light and easy to vape.

Crushed E-liquid Range Iced Melonade Shortfills

Michelle's Final Thoughts of the IVG Shortfills Range

I really wasn’t sure what to expect here as this is the first time I have tried IVG juices. They are just such a huge brand that I guess they have almost become part of the furniture. You can find them in a vast amount of high street vape shops and because I know they will always be there, I have just never got round to trying them before. Whilst they aren’t the final word in complexity and are in no way a challenging vape (which tends to be my personal preference), all the flavours were accurate and tasty, and I know I will definitely finish all the bottles, which in itself is a compliment. They are a reliable, solid range and I know in future if I get caught with no juice, I will be perfectly safe in picking up a bottle or two to keep me going. Looking at the website, this is just the tip of the full range too so there is definitely going to be something for most people.

Now I will pass the baton over to Simon for his thoughts on the IVG Crushed Salts...

IVG Crushed range Salts

The IVG Crushed range is all new to me, I have tried their older range which I reviewed a couple of years back and enjoyed the majority of flavours. I now see they are titled ‘Premium E-Liquids’ so I was keen to try this new range and see if they live up to the ‘Premium’ title.

Iced Melonade

“Deliciously fresh and fruity watermelon, shaken not stirred, with a dash of galia melon and sweet and tangy lemonade on ice.”

This one was an easy one to review, there’s no point in me describing the flavour as the description is spot on! Obviously the melon was the dominant flavour. I generally avoid ice, frozen, chilled etc. juices, but this one was a perfect balance and actually made all the difference to make this super smooth and tasty. I most definitely will be buying Iced Melonade again.

 IVG Crushed range Iced Melonade Salts

Green Energy

“Stimulate all of your senses with this powerful punch of your favourite energy drink, crushed with lime and ice, giving you the meanest all day buzz”

This one was the last one I tested, I just wasn’t looking forward to it as I don’t really like energy drinks (unless it’s to top up a double shot of Vodka!), thankfully I was in for a pleasant surprise. IVG have come up trumps (not the fat gobby one) with this recipe. The citrus element totally woke up this flavour. I’m struggling to come up with a description for what it reminds me of, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Smooth, not too sweet and a cocktail of flavours that left a refreshing aftertaste, turns out I do like energy drinks assuming you can get one like Green Energy.

 IVG Crushed range Green Energy Salts

Paradise Lagoon

“Juicy pineapples on ice, softly blended with ripe papaya chunks and citrus elements, leaving you with a delicious taste of paradise.”

Another one with a very accurate flavour to description balance, it kind of reminded me of Lilt fizzy drink. The Pineapple is the dominant flavour but that added blend and slight ice made Paradise Lagoon an easy ADV for me. I found the inhale and exhale pretty similar and left a pleasant aftertaste.

 IVG Crushed range Paradise Lagoon Salts

Frozen Cherries

“Indulge in a combination of freshly handpicked red cherries, splashed with a blast of crushed ice, giving you a sweet and icy burst of flavour.”

Cherries is one of those acquired tastes, though I love the actual fruit I don’t enjoy flavouring if that makes sense? As in I don’t enjoy the fizzy cherry drinks or sweets, so I didn’t enjoy this one as a result. To be fair to it; I didn’t dislike it and actually polished off the 10ml bottle fairly quickly. I’m pretty confident that if you do enjoy cherry flavouring then Frozen Cherries salts should float your boat, again the ‘frozen’ element made it better and less sweet.

IVG Crushed range Frozen Cherries Salts

Si's Overall Conclusion of the IVG Salts Range

For sure all four flavours live up to the ‘premium’ title, none of these flavours tasted remotely cheap or nasty. Sure the Frozen Cherries wasn’t for me but that’s down to subjective taste, I would quite happily vape the rest as an ADV (All Day Vape), and they are now on my fussy shopping list. I’m now keen to try IVG’s other nic salts.

IVG Crushed range Salts

It these appeal to you, they can be ordered directly from IVG as well as probably being stocked in a vape shop near you. The Shortfills are £12.99 each, and at the moment you can get 2 for £22. They also offer several multipacks which are £39.99 for 4 bottles. If salts are more your style, they are £3.99 each, 3 for £10 or 6 for £19.99.

IVG Crushed Salts Range stacked

Michelle (Purplefowler) avatar

When her usual forum closed, Michelle found herself in a brave new world full of excitement that something fresh and new was happening. A few days later she somehow found herself on the moderating team and is still not really sure how that happened. Even stranger, she slowly worked her way up to admin and now helps behind the scenes, liasing with vendors and coordinating social media but she can still be found making smutty comments on the forum. If all that wasn't enough, she also is a proud member of the Potv review team specialising in E-liquid reviews for the discerning vaper.

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