Dispergo - Due North
Welcome once more my fine fluffy cloud monkeys, I'm back again with another range of liquids for my stringent and, some would say, downright lacklustre testing, no…I don’t understand it either, but here I am ruining your day with yet more narcissistic meanderings regarding something I probably have no business being near…..regardless….I’m going to tell you anyway..so there.
Today’s offering is yet another range from that southern stable of liquid manufacturers, Dispergo, only this time they have pulled their inspiration from somewhere that is, for me, a little closer to home with their ‘Due North’ range of liquids…and I quote –
‘Due North is a fine collection of eliquids, inspired in the north, in the heart of Yorkshire.
Due north will keep you on the right path while wandering through the wilderness of flavour’
Well I’m not exactly from Yorkshire, I’m from Manchester, but none the less I’m still a northern monkey, and I’m close enough to know that what that quote actually means is –
‘Tek mi as thi find mi, or bugger off!’
No one does, but you can’t argue with Yorkshire folk. All I can tell you, is that they use the word ‘bugger’…..a lot. Make of that what you will.
So, what they have is four different fruit recipes, in 50ml Chubby Gorilla shortfills, at a ratio of 70/30 VG/PG, and what I have is four leaky, bottom air-flow RDA set ups, all with clean coils, fresh cotton, and enough power to light up a small village….let’s say….Emmerdale (shrugs)
Strawberry & Watermelon Lemonade
I have a fair bit of experience with lemonade liquids, so this was the first one I went with. Watermelon and strawberry flavours used to feature quite heavily when I first started to mix my own recipes so I thought I’d know what to expect, and I was quite right in my assumption. You see, the thing with watermelon flavours is they tend to overpower everything else you try and mix them with, and it’s no different here, although it isn’t the first thing you notice. Straight off the bat you’re met with an ‘ice’, I don’t think it’s Koolada, possibly FA Polar Ice which tends to have a cleaner taste to it, and it’s relatively heavy too. They use it to replicate the ‘sharp’ carbonation in lemonade and for this it works quite well. But travelling right alongside it on the inhale is the ever prominent watermelon, and it’s a nice Watermelon, very authentic tasting, and it’s balanced very well with the ice. It takes a little searching to find the strawberry but it’s there, mainly on the exhale, as the sweetness of the strawberry rounds off the powerful watermelon. The lemon in the lemonade is more of a back-note, adding a very, very slight bitterness right at the end with a sweetness that hangs around on your tongue for a bit.
All in all, if you’re looking for a ‘lemonade’ I’d probably skip this one, but if you like watermelon flavours, then you’ll love it. It’s very well rounded and would be a perfect summer ADV, not too sweet, but sweet enough, and with enough ice to keep your mouth cool whilst sitting in your garden soaking up the elusive sun that we had in spring….tut!
Tropical Ice
I figured seeing as I’d already half frozen my taste buds with the Watermelon & Strawberry Lemonade, I may as well completely destroy them with something that this time actually had ‘ice’ in the title…..enter Tropical Ice.
‘Tropical exotic fruits all mixed together with a cool kick’ is what is promised on Dispergo’s site, and I can confirm that the ‘kick’ they speak of is more of a steel toe cap boot in the throat rather than a playful tap from a big pair of fluffy pink slippers it certainly, and when you haven’t been vaping anything remotely menthol/koolada/ice related for quite some time, it almost hurts. After a few hits however, I picked up my frilly skirt and stopped being such a middle aged baby, and it quickly became more forgiving as cries from my taste buds went from “Jesus man!...this isn’t fluffy warm custard!?!..WTF are you doing?!” to ”Okayyyy…..this isn’t terrible….crack on”….as I continuously wiped the snot that at this point had started free flowing from my overly bulbous nose, and it became….enjoyable?
There’s no escaping the fact this is most definitely an ‘Ice’ liquid, as soon as you take a hit it’s like being smacked clean in the kipper with an iceberg, but once the initial shock has subsided, you start to get where they are coming from with this flavour, especially when the smooth, sweet tropical fruits they promised start to rear their unassuming heads. Hard to extrapolate exactly what was used but on the inhale the first thing I tasted through the frozen tundra was I think Mango? Maybe Passion fruit? And with a hint of Pineapple possibly? Whatever fruits they used, it’s incredibly well balanced to give a real, authentic and sweet tropical taste that is very prominent on the exhale. It’s so well balanced in fact, that I couldn’t pull whatever fruits were used apart, they stay together throughout and linger on your tongue for a while after. One for the ice and fruit lovers, medium sweet, ice cold with a smooth tropical punch at its core.
Blackberry & Raspberry
On reflection, I probably should have tried these last two before I threw my taste buds into arctic shock. It took several coffees, a rigorous tooth brushing, half a bottle of mouthwash and a ploughman’s lunch to reset my flavour senses. No, the Ploughman’s lunch was not mandatory, I just like them, and it was lunch time (shrugs). Because after the first two, this one was almost mundane? I don’t mean that to be at all disrespectful, but you probably won’t have to try all four flavours in quick concession like I’m doing so what we have here is basically a blackberry vape, and it’s a good one too. You have that slight bitterness you get from blackberries on the inhale, then on the exhale you can just about make out the raspberry as it rounds off the bitterness with a sweeter, more subtle berry flavour.
It’s not a smack in your mouth, full on, berry explosion, but more of a smooth, fruity, berry mix that gets sweeter on the exhale, very well balanced and could well be a milder ADV for berry lovers, just don’t expect too much raspberry.
Twister Lolly (no ice)
Easily the most underwhelming liquid of the bunch for me personally, I mean I used to love Twister lollies when I was a kid, but this liquid feels off the mark if that’s what it was going for, and I’m not too sure why they went with the ‘No Ice’ as stated on the bottle? Because you don’t get an option with ice? My opinion? They should have left it in, it’s an ice lolly, it needs ice.
Now on their site this is described as ‘Fresh pineapple with a dash of lime, Complimented with a deep vanilla ice-cream and strawberry twist’…..hmm…sounds delicious. Unfortunately all I get is a mild creamy lime. I can only just pick out the pineapple on the exhale, but the strawberry and vanilla ice-cream just aren’t there. Taste is, of course, subjective, and this is by no means a bad liquid, it’s a creamy fruit with a slight bitterness and that’s fine, there’s just not a lot going on, and the flavours that are supposed to be there are lacking in my opinion. If you like lime, but not too strong, you’ll probably dig it. I just like a lot more flavour in my liquids, and I also like them to taste like what they claim to be, which sadly, I don’t think this does.
Final Thoughts
I have to say, all in all, Dispergo only put out high quality juices, or at least that’s my experience, and I have tried a fair few of their ranges now. It’s abundantly clear that they are only using top shelf concentrates and bases, because believe me, you can taste the difference when a manufacturer cuts corners and costs in that department, and once again the Due North range comes good with authentic tasting fruits and well balanced recipes. I wasn’t particularly impressed with their Twister lolly but taste is subjective, it certainly isn’t nasty, and I wouldn’t dare tell anything Yorkshire related that it was….
It just felt a little off the mark shall we say.
But the others I was really impressed with. It might be while before I’ll be able to taste anything ever again, but still, as they say in Yorkshire…
‘Steady thi’sen….It’ll be reyt”
And I’d also like to personally thank Dispergo for supplying their Due North range for this review.
You can purchase the Due North range directly from Dispergo’s own site for a bang average price point of £13.99 (or 2 for £24.99).
Until next time.
I’ll be seein' thee.
Reviewer at POTVHe came third in the 2018 Ecigclick awards for his unique and dubious approach to vape reviews.... although you'd never know it because he never ever mentions it...to anyone...ever...more than 6 or 7 times a day anyway.He predominantly vapes high power & low ohms and loves nothing more than a 30mm bottom airflow RDA on a lipo powered PWM mod, he mixes his own liquids, makes his own coils and finds talking about himself in the third person really uncomfortable....
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