Vaping News

Vaping News

2022 - Spring Has Sprung

Over Christmas we look back at our busy year with hundreds of news stories covered, now heading into Spring and lifting awards

Vaping News

2022 - The First Quarter

Over Christmas we look back at our busy year with hundreds of news stories covered, picking out some of the important stories

Vaping News


Final questions and answers in Parliament before the Christmas break

Vaping News

Letter To WHO

Advocates for vaping lay out the case for supporting harm reduction ahead of the World Health Organisation’s COP10

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NZ Minister Standing Firm

The NZ Associate Health Minister is standing firm on vaping distraction, says the Aotearoa Vapers Community Advocacy

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Cochrane Report Raises Questions

Following an attack on the recent Cochrane report, the Canadian Vaping Association has questioned the Government of Canada funding the lobbying of itself

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King’s College Talks Evidence

The Nicotine Research Group, based at King’s College London, has spoken about the clear evidence that supports vaping and tobacco harm reduction

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Healthy Ireland

NNA Ireland has passed comment on the publication of the latest survey from Healthy Ireland, something that shows smoking is up and vaping is down

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Consumer Group Calls For Proportionate Regulation

The New Nicotine Alliance consumer charity has joined calls for the proportionate regulation of nicotine pouches

Vaping News

ONS: Smoking in 2021

The Office for National Statistics has shown vaping has powered “a statistically significant drop” in smoking rates