Latest News

ONS challenges vaping as a gateway

New data released yesterday by the ONS reports that ecigarettes are not a gateway to tobacco use.

Vape Mail Fail

Big T company acts irresponsibly by sending out unsolicited samples in the mail

Scotland the Brave

Electronic cigarettes debated in Scottish committee by MPs and public health representatives.

Neurons and nicotine addiction

Further research into nicotine and addiction highlights neurons in the brain

Smarting McKee

Martin McKee passes comment on the recent VIP advert while forgetting the powerful words he wrote on denialism.

Vaping Brains

Scientists from Imperial College London have been using magnetic images of the brain to look at nicotine addiction.

Word of the Year 2014: Vape

The 2014 Word of the Year is - Vape

Ecig Advert Banned

New advertising guidelines leading to confusion over how vape should be portrayed.

India considers total vaping ban

India loses one million a year to smoking-related death, is vaping a welcome solution?

The Advert and a Cast of Thousands

VIP advertise on ITV, some wish the ECIG was kept on the QT