Vape Reviews

Sub-Ohm Tank Reviews

Subtank Nano

The smallest in the Kangertech Subtank family, does the nano deliver the same quality of vapour as it's larger siblings?

E-Liquid Reviews

Mother’s Milk Obsidian Limited Edition by Suicide Bunny

We all know of Mother’s Milk - a staple brand for almost every online and B&M store these days. I hadn’t tried it until a couple of weeks ago. And then we were sent this - a juice more expensive than Five Pawns. Steeped for over six months - and a cost of £1 per ml.

E-Liquid Reviews

Nicoticket - Frenilla, Creme Brulee and Custard's Last Stand

Nicoticket seem to have been around for a lifetime in vaping terms (2 years!), their brand has always been held in high esteem whenever I have heard them mentioned. Hailing from Omaha in the US there are not too many outlets in the UK so when I saw that Vaperama had them in stock I jumped at the chance of grabbing three of their dessert flavours, Frenilla, Créme Brulee and Custard’s Last Stand.

Sub-Ohm Tank Reviews

Subtank Mini

dw1986 reviews the Subtank mini from the ever popular Kangertech series of sub-ohm orientated RBAs.

Sub-Ohm Tank Reviews

Freemax Starre Sub Ohm Tank

The subohm tanks are hitting the market at an alarming rate. But how low can they go? The Aspire Atlantis and KangerTech range of Subtanks all weighed in at 0.5 Ohm but this one claims to deliver the ability to work in the range of 20-100W with a 0.25 Ohm coil. Let’s see if the Starre really does shine.

Mod Reviews

iStick 50W

dw1986 gives you the low-down on the big brother of the ever popular Eleaf iStick.

Mod Reviews

IPV3 150W Box Mod

Cloud chasers rejoice! A dual 18650 box mod that ramps up to the lofty heights of 150 watts and fires to the incredible lows of 0.1 ohms! Sounds too good to be true doesn’t it? Lets find out...

E-Liquid Reviews

Frankinvape Eliquids - Full Range

A new range of 50/50 liquids by a UK company has just hit the shops, we find out who they are by and what they are all about. The full range of eight liquids are tested here!

E-Liquid Reviews

Ginger Rogers by Vape-licious

Another juice review for the exciting Vape-licious eliquids. Their new offering might just have you craving something sweet.

RBA Reviews

Aspire Atlantis

This is the first in a series of reviews where we look at the “new” range of sub ohm tanks that started to hit the market late last year, starting with the Aspire Atlantis.
