Vaping News

Vaping News

Still Failing in Australia

The Australian approach to vaping is categorically failing, according to the Australian Association of Convenience Stores

Vaping News

THR Hailed as Fag Sales Slump

A new GSTHR Briefing Paper praises the “startling power of tobacco harm reduction” as cigarette sales halve in Japan

Vaping News

UKVIA Writes to MPs

UKVIA sends a letter to MPs about the incorrect information presented to the Tobacco and Vapes Bill Committee

Vaping News

Trailblazers Slash Global Smoking Rates

The Coalition of Asia Pacific Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates champions a trailblazing approach to slash smoking rates to build on successes

Vaping News

Act Urgently Eu Urged

EU health ministers are being encouraged to act urgently and embrace science-based tobacco harm reduction strategies by the World Vapers’ Alliance

Vaping News

UKVIA Predicts Car Crash

The UK Vaping Industry Association is predicting an impending car crash as the government admits the absence of a risk assessment of environmental impact of black market vapes

Vaping News

Spain Pointed to the Swedish Example

Sweden’s snus tax is a game changer in tobacco harm reduction policies and something that Spain ought to be replicating, according to the Smoke Free Sweden initiative

Vaping News

Further GFN24 Reveals

With less than a week to go before the closing date for GFN24 Film Festival submissions, the team has made further reveals about this year’s event

Vaping News

Trading Standards Need Cash

Trading Standards need a huge increase in funding, the largest in a generation, to deal with the illicit vaping market, according to the Association of Convenience Stores

Vaping News

Radioactive Risk Blurred

Experts have reacted to a study that the media leapt on to create shock stories of radioactive risk