Latest News

New York

Vape businesses in the Big Apple receive fines for breaking the law.

No Stalls In The Market

Despite mild growth in the UK in 2014, predictions are still set for bumper global growth in vaping.

Legislation USA

An update on American legislation as States adopt further electronic cigarette measures.

Pyrazine additives

Latest research from Harvard attempts to link the chemical loading of cigarettes to vaping.

RDA Squared

RDA's (Rebuildable Dripping Atomizers) are traditionally round but new designs coming to the market or recently released pay homage to some strange Borg like menace of the vaping world with their new cuboid design.

Trendy Trends

While California is still hung up on non-existent vaping take up rates in youth, the Reuters news agency has contributed its own research on trends.

The Power of Advertising

Does anybody pay attention to advertising? Can vaping ads really convince non-smokers to vape?

Vaping On The Go

Further restrictions on vaping while travelling have come into effect – here is an overview.

Department of Health confirm no ecig ban in rest of UK

Following draconian proposals to ban vaping from public places in Wales, what is the future for England?

Aspire announce innovative new tank and mod

Aspire have today alerted us two new products that they have in the pipeline. The first is the Triton, a new tank which appears to have a great range of options, which we will discuss shortly, and also a new mod. Details about the new mod have not been announced yet but we will bring you more details as soon as we have any information.