RDA Reviews

VandyVape Mesh V2 RDA

Here we have VandyVape's newest addition to their lineup, the VandyVape Mesh V2 RDA. The original Mesh worked well, but now a new and improved version is here to kick the mesh sector in to touch

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VandyVape Mesh V2 RDA

Meshing around the world...

Thank you to Pearl from Cigabuy for providing this product for review. If it tickles your fancy, you can pick one up here.

Here we have VandyVape's newest addition to their lineup, the VandyVape Mesh V2 RDA. The original Mesh worked well, but now a new and improved version is here to kick the mesh sector in to touch. 

The rda comes in seven different colours, black, gunmetal, gold, rainbow, frosted grey, shiny blue and SS, all equally beautifully finished. The retail price comes in at $34 or £28, a nice price for a decent dripper.

VandyVape Mesh V2 RDA stripped down

In the box

Vandyvape have been very generous by including four, yes, four different mesh strips! You get to play with: 

  • 1 x Kanthal A1 M 0.15Ω 
  • 1 x Ni80 M 0.15Ω
  • 1 x Dual Kanthal M 0.15Ω 
  • 1 x SS316L A1 M 0.12Ω 

If that wasn't enough, they have also included plenty of various sized Orings too, which is always handy.

It is a 25mm rda and it looks awesome paired with either a regular mod or a squonker.

An allen key and a screwdriver come in the package, along with the squonk pin and some pre cut cotton laces. They also bundle in a bending tool for the mesh, and an adaptor for the drip tip if you requires a smaller one.

As always, at the bottom of the box is the user manual along with a warranty card.

VandyVape Mesh V2 RDA unboxing

The Build

This rda is really well built and a good addition to the range of mesh rdas currently in the market. To stand up to the competition, it has got to perform strongly and give a good all round vape. The design is really well thought out. I like how the airflow locator is always aligned with the coil so that there is no messing around. The airflow is a honeycomb which was used a while back on the DropDead. It is awesome and helps produce loads of lovely flavour.

The clamping system is really solid and works a treat. The overall building on this rda is easy and works well even if you’re a beginner. You simply use the included tool to form the mesh in to an arch, unscrew the philips screws located on the sides, slide the mesh in to the slots and tighten the screws back up. You will need to hit the power to check the connection and to make sure you have no hot spots (keep the power down and make it quick though as mesh is delicate). Then thread the cotton laces through, trim, tuck and prime. Three of the mesh strips have a nice border which makes loading the coil easier and helps to keep the shape, but the SS strip is just a rectangle of regular cut mesh and this can make things slightly trickier as the edges are rougher and can catch on the cotton or deform. I would make sure you read the book of words first if you are a first time user, as I know some people have cranked the wattage right up to the recommended level and it has literally fried the coil. You need to gently break the coil in gently before going at it full pelt.

VandyVape Mesh V2 RDA coil options

Dual Coil – 0.15Ω

This is an awesome coil and it works a treat. I was a bit dubious at first, but my doubts were unfounded. It lasted much longer than expected, the cotton seemed to hold up well, and it gave off both good clouds and flavour. I’m really liking this. I vaped this at 55W, and it was a dream. A nice warm hit and a great tasting cloud. 

Ni80 Mesh Coil - 0.15Ω

Throughout my time testing out this coil, it’s been a cracking little thing, and I can say it performed very well for a mesh set up. The clouds were good and the flavour was just superb. The airflow seemed to be better on this one too. I vaped this at 65W, which is just in the middle the recommended range, and I’ve got to say it was nice. I could have dropped it down to 60W and it still would have been good. I just preferred that warmer hit.

Priming the cotton works well and is great if you are impatient, as it really soaks up the juice quickly. It shouldn't take too long on rdas, but I always leave it just in case. There nothing is worse than a dry mesh coil! 

 VandyVape Mesh V2 RDA drip tip


  • Solid
  • Great design
  • VV colour options with driptips
  • Good airflow
  • Amazing flavour and clouds
  • Feels great
  • Different mesh options
  • Ease of use
  • All the tools are handy


  • Nothing at present...

VandyVape Mesh V2 RDA airflow


I love Vandyvape and what they always manage to bring to the table. It's great to see how they are working on progress and are constantly refining things. They are never shy when it comes to making improvements and are renowned for their innovation. I think that it is the best option to improve existing ideas, rather than bringing out new kits which don't always reach their full potential. The airflow is really good, and always faces the correct position for the coil, and it tastes great every time. I did have a dry hit once, but that was because I was testing to see how long it would last without squonking. I like to live dangerously for the sake of pushing products to their (safe) limits!

I really like VandyVape products, and I think they have a very good track record with their entire product line, and the Mesh V2 rda is no exception. It’s a brilliant upgrade from the previous incarnation, and it shows how time, thought and effort can help a good product become even better.

VandyVape Mesh V2 RDA deck

Equipment/Products Used

Mod – Desire Design - Rage Squonk - Bronze

Tank – VandyVape - Mesh V2 RDA- Pod - Gunmetal

E-liquid – TBVC - Mangosteen - 70/30

Coils – Dual M coil 0.15ohm - 45-70W

Batteries – Golisi 26 & 30

VandyVape Mesh V2 RDA full view



Adam Bolt avatar

Adam Bolt

Reviewer at POTV
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My first mod kit was the majesty back in January 2018 where I started to try different hands-on with building all self-taught, understanding the difference behind them all. My first review was on the Wotofo Bravo, where I enjoyed writing it so much and I thought im going to do this so I set up my website www.vapinbolt.comand started producing a blog where I have gained many different partnerships with companies and ongoing contracts for the future going forward Vaping is great and I thank the great community it has where I have built relationships from people all over the world and here in the UK Liquids are now my new venture to have a stable but evenly guide into the vaping world...

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