Well it seems the Council of Vapor have done it again, with another great product and in my opinion a strong contender in the busy RDA market.
I will say that your hardcore sub-ohmers probably won’t get on too well with this due to the inability to increase airflow beyond factory settings. I can only imagine the hassle of trying to widen the centre post or drill through the Pyrex. If you like to modify your kit, best stay clear.
On the flip side, if you’re new to RDAs or if you like an RDA that looks great and vapes well this could well be the one for you!
Some may have a few issues with coiling due to the post configuration and the lack of a further post but to be fair another post may well have jaded the brilliant look of this atomizer and it does look nice doesn’t it?!
So back to my original question, does the Aris live up to the hype generated by the excellent Stratos? I think it does with an ease I've begun to expect from this range whilst providing another excellent addition to the Council of Vapor family.
The Aris will be available to purchase soon from TruVape and will RRP at £40.

Toby Kilroy
Reviewer at POTVToby has been vaping since early 2012 and has used an array of devices and kit in that time. He sometimes writes up reviews but is often found with his head stuck in pages of code with a confused smile on his face. Toby also helps run his wife's site gethistory.co.uk and has two children. He sometimes fondly remembers having free time and occasionally manages to sneak away to put his head into a good book!
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