Pod System Reviews

VooPoo DRAG E60

VooPoo carry on their winning streak with the new VooPoo DRAG E60 PodMod Kit. Si dives in for a closer look...

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Supplied by VooPoo for review
Price $49.49 USD

Another day, another DRAG. This time we have the all new DRAG E60 PodMod which might just be VooPoo’s best pocket-rocket yet.

VooPoo DRAG E60 PodMod Kit first look

  • Size 94*24.9*46mm
  • Battery Built-in 2550mAh battery
  • Power Range 5-60W
  • Charging Voltage 5V/2A
  • Charging Type-C charging
  • Mode Smart/RBA/ECO Mode
  • Capacity 4.5ml (Standard Edition)
  • Top filling
  • Fit For PnP Pod II, all PnP Coils
  • Colours: Golden, Pink, Gray, Black, Coffee, Carbon Fibre


  • Powered by built-in 2550mAh battery and GENE.TT Chip
  • Smart/RBA/ECO Mode to satisfy your different needs
  • Fit for VOOPOO PnP Pod II and all PnP Coil
  • 4.5ml e-juice capacity, easy top filling system
  • Multiple protections to ensure the safe use

The E60 uses the exact same pod as the H80-S kit which features an innovative airflow system, there are also three new coils to suit its compact size and power, I gave it a damn good thrashing over the past two weeks to see how it copes as a main vape, spoiler alert, it didn’t fail me once.


The Drag E60 comes in a two piece box, the outer sleeve details the kit and its contents along with some features, VooPoo use a less wasteful boxing method by using the accessories box as a second protection above the kit, so if the postie wangs it about the gaff, it should survive undamaged.

VooPoo DRAG E60 PodMod Kit unboxing

Underneath that is the Drag E60 held in a blown plastic tray and it is held quite securely, the package includes everything you need to get going (excluding e-liquid).

VooPoo DRAG E60 PodMod Kit contents

You get the E60 device and pod, a USB-C charging cable, two coils (0.2ohm & 0.3ohm), and the instruction manual along with a bag of spare seals for the pod.

First Impressions and Overview

It’s hard to describe how it feels the first time you pick it up…… actually ‘hard’ is the best word for it. The edges feel quite hard and reminded me of the original DRAG dual battery mod, it’s subjective whether you find it too hard but I kind of liked it as it felt ‘exact’ for want of a better word, the distinct edges made it feel quite tactile.

VooPoo DRAG E60 PodMod Kit side on

The size helps it get away with this as it is pretty compact and fits nicely into your grip, and the edges guide your index finger to the fire button naturally. I wasn’t expecting to like it as much as I do, generally I slag off mods with hard edges but it kind of works in this case.

VooPoo DRAG E60 PodMod Kit grip

As a contrast; the other edge is a leather wrap which is ideal as that part fits into the softer part of your hand. I really liked the ‘DRAG’ logo which is a different material embossed into the leather, I’ve not seen this done before but it looks rather posh. The branding is minimal and very subtle, even the ‘Designed by VOOPOO’ is black on black and is only really visible if you look closely. The only thing missing was the actual name of the device, I couldn’t find ‘E60’ anywhere on it?

VooPoo DRAG E60 PodMod Kit montage

Other than that, there’s not a whole lot going on style-wise, it’s all very plain and boxy but the leather wrap offers some finese. I really liked the control/screen face as it looks very modern and refined, you can tell there’s attention to detail gone into this design as the buttons feel near perfect with a short clicky throw and no rattle.

VooPoo DRAG E60 PodMod Kit pod fitting

It features the exact same pod housing and airflow that the H80-S has, and it works really well. You rotate the pod once fitted to adjust the airflow ring, more on that later, but the fitting is really good and it sits a bit deeper in the mod than most of VooPoo’s other DL PodMods.

VooPoo DRAG E60 PodMod Kit top and tails

The new pod is simplistic in looks but there’s been some nice tweaks with the top-fill and coil fitting, it has the usual ‘PnP’ style fitting but feels a little easier to grab hold of the coil and fits back in securely, the top-fill cap is quite faff-free too, well I say that but the first time I went to unscrew it I got a bit confused as you go to unscrew it by the notched part at the top but soon found out that that’s not the way; you need to unscrew it from the actual mouthpiece/drip-tip as that other notched area is for adjusting the airflow, it all makes sense once you use it for the first time.

VooPoo DRAG E60 Pod close up

Screen and Controls

I really like the new screen VooPoo are using, the font is really easy to read (even with my older eyes). They have everything on screen that you need, and there was even room for ‘DRAG’ at the top, usually that’s a con but they made up for it with the battery bar and percentage.

VooPoo DRAG E60 PodMod Kit screen

The menu is designed to be quick and easy to suit the kit and stock coils, but they have also included an ‘RBA’ mode for DIY coils if one becomes available or maybe a 510 adaptor so you can use your own tank.

  • 5 x Fire = Turn device On/Off
  • 3 x Fire = Diddly squat/nadda/naff all
  • Press Up/Down together = Enters menu (Up or Down to navigate and Fire to confirm)
  • Press Fire & Up = Locks all buttons (mod won’t fire)

That’s pretty much it. Oddly there’s no individual fire button locking that I could find, it’s lock all or nothing, I would have thought ‘3 x Fire’ would have covered that but not on my version, it could be included in the retail version though as mine was a ‘SAMPLE’.

Modes wise; SMART is just that, it auto sets the wattage to the recommended mid-range of the coil you choose and to get the best balance of performance/lifespan then SMART is perfect, you can adjust the wattage up slightly if you prefer but I’m all for letting SMART do its thang. If you want full wattage control then RBA mode turns off the SMART function and you can dial it all the way up to the 60 watts maximum. ECO mode is quite useful, it throttles it down slightly and dims the screen a little to squeeze out more battery life which will come in handy for days out.

Though it’s all quite limited, I do think it’s perfect for new vapers and leaving it in the default ‘SMART’ is worthwhile as it will prevent users getting dry hits from too high a wattage, I still find it handy as an experience user as I can just trust it to do the right thing.


I’ve highlighted this as I almost missed it! It was only while playing around that I discovered it and it was a pleasant surprise for sure, but I did find it only worked properly with the airflow closed off a little, fully open and it kind of stuttered. But once I discovered it and dialled back the airflow, I only used this and there was yet another pleasant surprise; you can still auto-draw with the buttons locked, that will do me nicely! I was quite happy to stash it in my pocket in this mode.

VooPoo DRAG E60 PodMod Kit little green monster

Now back to that new-fangled airflow control;

When you look inside the mod you will see three tangs which the pod locks into place with, this is actually part of the airflow control system. Once the pod is attached you simply rotate the pod to adjust the airflow, we’ve seen ‘rotate the pod’ airflow before but nothing like this as there is a hidden mechanism underneath.

This rotates the airflow ring in the mod and you get a really wide variety, you can either have a single slot airflow or dual, depending on how far you turn it. It becomes obvious as you can clearly see it in action. The resistance is near perfection as it requires quite a firm twist to adjust, but that means it stays put where you select it, even if you remove and replace the pod it will still be as you left it.

Better still; this method is really effective as you can get a loose DL draw down to a pretty tight RDL. It’s one of my favourite airflow controls I’ve seen on pod/mods, and hats off to VooPoo for being that little bit different.


I decided to try what I thought would be the least impressive coil first; the PnP-TW30 0.3Ω, and SMART mode set the wattage to 35 watts. The flavour started off very good and only got better as the coil bedded in, but it was the vapour production that surprised me, this little coil really belted out clouds that I was more used to with 50 Watts plus coils, the flavour was improving but I found myself needing to up the power to the maximum 40watts for this coil, higher than I would normally go but I felt it needed it to get a more wow-factor vape. Obviously at a higher wattage, you tend to shorten the coil lifespan, but I’ve just gone over 20ml so far and there’s no signs of the flavour dropping off and no dry hits either, this has already exceeded the older PnP coils so I’m pretty happy with the 0.3ohm jobbie.

Unique to this kit was the new PnP-TW20 0.2Ω coil (the H80-S had a 0.15ohm) and set to 50 watts, this coil suited the E60 perfectly, the flavour and vapour production were superb. It was also a bit warmer than the 0.3ohm which improved the vape quality for me, it was clear that this was going to be the coil of choice in this setup and possibly a better coil than the 0.15ohm.

I also tried the 0.15ohm coil as I already had it setup in the H80-S and it performed well enough, but it needed a higher wattage and felt like it was thrashing the E60 at 60 watts so I wouldn’t recommend this coil for the E60.

VooPoo DRAG E60 and H80-S

One niggle is more of a potential problem further down the line and that’s the lack of leak-resistance, there’s nothing to prevent it wetting the bed when left unused for prolonged periods which is a common problem with most pod/mod kits. I did notice there was a little plastic cup in the connection area of the mod which should help, but so far I haven’t experienced any leaks, only time will tell if it becomes an issue.

VooPoo DRAG E60 PodMod Kit monster monster

Charging time was quicker than I had expected, it appears to charge at 2 Amps and does feel quite warm during charging. I was timing the charging percentage and it was roughly charging 2% - 3% per minute which is impressive for the capacity (2550mAh), and I rarely had to wait more than 50 minutes total, I would have been happy with that on a 1500mAh battery so this was a bonus. The charging screen is mesmerising with a cool trickle charge animation showing the percentage.

Battery life was decent too, I could easily get 5-6 hours main use from it, my normal habits are flipping from a MTL pod to DL around 50% of the time so the E60 was an all-dayer for me.

VooPoo DRAG E60 PodMod Kit vape


The DRAG E60 gets a big thumbs up from me, VooPoo appear to be riding the crest of a wave at the moment as their releases get stronger and stronger. I thought I would prefer the H80-S but I tended to choose the E60 when leaving the house as it felt a bit more convenient and pocket friendly.

I think new and experienced vapers will enjoy it equally. Despite its limited functions, it does exactly what it needs to do and there’s almost no need to venture beyond default settings, it’s all about the bass… I mean vape! And this bangs out a lot of vape quality for the power making it a true pocket rocket.

I’m loving VooPoo’s new coils, and I cannot see me going back to their older PnP coils, but at least it is cross-compatible if you already have a ruck of older ones.


  • New PnP-TW series coils are a proper upgrade
  • DL Auto-draw
  • Innovative and effective airflow control
  • Compact and pocket friendly
  • Tight tolerances add to the quality feel
  • 2 Amp fast charging
  • Beginner friendly kit and controls
  • 0.2ohm coil is perfect for this kit
  • Auto-draw while buttons locked is very handy


I was sure I had a couple but now I’m here, I cannot think of anything ‘wrong’ with the E60. It has the potential to leak but I haven’t experienced it so far on this or the H80-S. The lack of an adjustments lock was made up for with the auto-draw function. The only things to consider are going to be subjective and that’s the hard edges, but then I like how it feels as a result, had it been bigger then it would be different.

Final Thoughts

VooPoo have surprised me yet again with another strong release, the DRAG E60 punches well above its size with a vape quality to rival a lot of higher powered setups, the flavour is outstanding, and the coils last well. VooPoo did good with this 'un.

Score: 8.5/10 – Drag-on Drag-off
I have a dog with no legs called Cigarette... Every morning I take him out for a drag.

VooPoo DRAG life



Si Davies avatar

Si Davies

Reviewer at POTV
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My background is Engineering and Professional Photography. Mostly from POTV users knowledge I learned so much about pretty much all styles of vaping and equipment, Cloud Chasing, Squonking, Mouth To Lung, Direct To Lung, Pods, Mechs, Rebuild-able tanks and atomisers etc, and have experience with many many devices and atomisers, it's become a hobby and enjoy trying out the latest gear. I like to think my reviews are plain speaking and informative without getting too technical, if I have to resort to reading the manual then I don't consider it user friendly!

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