Vape Reviews

Sub-Ohm Tank Reviews

Lemo 2 by Eleaf

The original Lemo was released by Eleaf in late 2014 to great acclaim. What appears to be another Kayfun clone on first appearance is an absolute beast for flavour seekers - and priced extremely well for a genuine RTA.

RBA Reviews

Youde Goblin

Youde Technology Co LTD (also known as UD - for Unification of Design!) are well known within the vaping industry for providing excellent value genuine rebuildable dripping and tank atomisers, such as the top selling Aga-T Rebuildable Tank Atomiser (RTA) and the Igo RDA series. They have been around a fair while now, and their latest offering is the much hyped Youde Goblin RTA…

Mod Reviews

Kanger KBOX

Well known for their tanks and clearomisers, and perhaps most recently the famed Subtank sub ohm tank range, Kangertech have finally made a foray into the world of box mods, and have recently released the Kanger KBox. Primarily aimed at new users wanting to pick up their first box mod, and Subtank users looking for a mod to pair their Subtank with, the Kbox is a budget range mod capable of outputting an impressive 40w. Let’s have a look at what the Kbox has to offer…

E-Liquid Reviews

South Coast Vapes Full Range

Another long-standing member of the PotV forum has been pushed into the limelight due to the quality of his mixing skills. South Coast Vaper is producing some highly acclaimed juices, including the "Mother's Milk Killa", Nipple Juice. dw1986 tells his tale of his experience of this line of eliquids.

E-Liquid Reviews

dripTonic eliquids from Apollo Ecigs

Apollo is a brand I have seen around from time to time - I had always associated them with cig-a-likes and cartos. They are now extending their range and offered to send us in a sample of their Max VG range, dripTonic.

RDA Reviews

Freakshow Mini by Wotofo

Recently there has been a noticeable increase in the amount of quality, affordable, genuine RDA’s coming to market. The latest offering from Wotofo is the Freakshow Mini, a shortened version of the top selling Freakshow RDA from 2014.

E-Liquid Reviews

ANML Looper and Carnage

For those who may not have heard of him before, Phillip Rocke is the master mixologist behind Gemini Vapors, Grand Reserve Crème de la Creme and now the ANML range. Today I will be looking at his two latest releases, ANML Looper and ANML Carnage.

Sub-Ohm Tank Reviews

Atlantis 2 by Aspire Sub Ohm Tank

The sub ohm onslaught continues! It’s a mere five months since news was released about the first Atlantis tank - one of the new breed of stock-coil tank devices capable of vaping like a dripper. Here’s version 2 - lower ohm coils, a new airflow system and more. Dropping on UK shores next week, let’s have a look and see what it’s like in the flesh.

Mech-Mod Reviews

Odyssey 18650M Mechanical Mod by Totally Wicked

Recently there has been a noticeable decline in demand for mechanical mods, coinciding with the rise of the high power box mods. Gone are the days when you needed a trusty mechanical mod if you wanted to achieve a high power vaping experience. However the demand is definitely still out there for mechanical mods...
