Vape Reviews

E-Liquid Reviews

El Diablo Juice Range

We test out the new El-Diablo juice range and see if the flavour lives up to the hype.

Mod Reviews

Eleaf iStick 20W

The ever popular Eleaf iStick falls under scrutiny this week. See how it performs!

Mod Reviews

Cloupor Mini 30W

Bursting into the market and looking nice, see how the new Cloupor Mini 30W fares in our latest review.

E-Liquid Reviews

Vape-licious Eliquids: Angel Blood

Does this liquid pack the punch it deserves or is this a fallen angel?

RDA Reviews

Council of Vapour: Aris Rebuildable Atomizer

The new Aris RDA up for review this week with it's beautiful glass and steel design.

RBA Reviews

Council of Vapour: Stratos Atomizer

A new RBA is in town. Is it worth a look or should it be left alone?