E-Liquid Reviews

E-Liquid Reviews

Aerovape Full Range

As a dessert aficionado dw1986 was really looking forward to reviewing these juices. With their extensive catering background in gourmet cooking, scratch baking and confectionary skills, they have come up with a unique tasting line. See what he makes of the full range, including a brand new addition, now.

E-Liquid Reviews

Isle of Custard Full Range

Today we set sail for the Isle of Custard. Boasting an impressive range of 11 different custard eliquids. Produced not quite on the high seas (that would be cool) but on the Isle of Wight…

E-Liquid Reviews

South Coast Vapes Full Range

Another long-standing member of the PotV forum has been pushed into the limelight due to the quality of his mixing skills. South Coast Vaper is producing some highly acclaimed juices, including the "Mother's Milk Killa", Nipple Juice. dw1986 tells his tale of his experience of this line of eliquids.

E-Liquid Reviews

dripTonic eliquids from Apollo Ecigs

Apollo is a brand I have seen around from time to time - I had always associated them with cig-a-likes and cartos. They are now extending their range and offered to send us in a sample of their Max VG range, dripTonic.

E-Liquid Reviews

ANML Looper and Carnage

For those who may not have heard of him before, Phillip Rocke is the master mixologist behind Gemini Vapors, Grand Reserve Crème de la Creme and now the ANML range. Today I will be looking at his two latest releases, ANML Looper and ANML Carnage.

E-Liquid Reviews

Mother’s Milk Obsidian Limited Edition by Suicide Bunny

We all know of Mother’s Milk - a staple brand for almost every online and B&M store these days. I hadn’t tried it until a couple of weeks ago. And then we were sent this - a juice more expensive than Five Pawns. Steeped for over six months - and a cost of £1 per ml.

E-Liquid Reviews

Nicoticket - Frenilla, Creme Brulee and Custard's Last Stand

Nicoticket seem to have been around for a lifetime in vaping terms (2 years!), their brand has always been held in high esteem whenever I have heard them mentioned. Hailing from Omaha in the US there are not too many outlets in the UK so when I saw that Vaperama had them in stock I jumped at the chance of grabbing three of their dessert flavours, Frenilla, Créme Brulee and Custard’s Last Stand.

E-Liquid Reviews

Frankinvape Eliquids - Full Range

A new range of 50/50 liquids by a UK company has just hit the shops, we find out who they are by and what they are all about. The full range of eight liquids are tested here!

E-Liquid Reviews

Ginger Rogers by Vape-licious

Another juice review for the exciting Vape-licious eliquids. Their new offering might just have you craving something sweet.

E-Liquid Reviews

The Big Manabush Review - Part 2

In part two of this review, I’ll be taking a look at Mojave Dessert, Chiricahua Sun, Coyote Coconut and Nokomis...