Vaping News

The growth and suppression of e-cigarettes

It’s been an interesting year in the electronic cigarette market with the launch of new and improved technology, the rise of the box mod, relaxed advertising rules and, as a result, now soaring UK sales figures.

Nicotine Hit Me, Baby, One More Time

For smokers who fail to make a successful switch to ecigs, the reason is nicotine delivery. Big T are looking at trying to increase the hit from their devices.

WHO Position Criticised

The December edition of the journal Addiction carried an article penned by Farsalinos, Hajek, Le Houezek, McNeill, Etter and McRobbie critiquing the WHO-commissioned report on electronic cigarettes.

Investors look to the future

As the year draws to a close, investors are looking at where the wise money should go in the ecig market and tobacco company manoeuvring.

Vapes for Villains

As reported in 2014, a couple of prisons had unilaterally adopted the use of electronic cigarettes in their facility; the British Prison Service is now implementing an official pilot scheme.

"Ecigs Help Quitting" says research

More research adding to the evidence that vaping helps people quit smoking - ecigs work.

Thou Shalt Not Vape

Does your employer have the right to dictate how you live your life in your own home?

American Toddler Dies From Nicotine Poisoning

The tragic accident gives an important message to vapers about juice storage.

Taxing Problems

How much are legislators concerned for our health, and how much are they thinking about the potential revenue?

News from abroad across the pond

What weird and wacky things have been taking place in the USA this week?