Vaping News
NHS ignoring good advice?
While NHS authorities draw up policies on electronic cigarettes they appear to have forgotten all about The National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training.
Ecigs soon to be taxed?
In an entirely unpredictable turn of events, the European Commission mentions taxing vaping. Who would have seen that coming?
Glantz’ Great Greenhouse
Stanton Glantz, like a dog pretending not to recognise the mess on the kitchen floor, is trying to lecture scientists on research ethics.
Newly published document is a must-read for vapers
Clive Bates releases a comprehensive document detailing the full breadth of vaping issues
NHS reduces Forest to Ash
It’s not often these two groups agree on things, when they do you know something is going wrong.
Lies, damned lies and anti-ecig articles
Have hysterical and baseless articles had their day? Vaping bears its teeth.
I Hate These Meeces To Pieces
More high jinks in the halls of academe have produced a true sourpuss piece of research.
Drive-thru Science
Experts and interested parties attack the poor science, outright lies and vested interests of those opposed to vaping.
Stealthvape attacked by Big Tobacco
The tobacco companies are coming – and they are bringing their high paid lawyers with them.
Ecig debate “in desperate need of clarity”
Scientists continue to argue from polar ends of the vaping debate with, as some claim, science and public health losing out.