Vaping News
NRT: No (other) Replacement Tolerated
NRT product demand continues to decline making Big Pharma fight dirty.
Stanton Rants
Bitter opponent of vaping breaks cover and speaks at a conference.
Blu Britain
Big T ECITA member uses fake safety logo according to the BBC program Fake Britain.
Youths with their Heads in the Vape Clouds
Is youth vaping the problem South Californian researchers claim?
Wink Wink, Nudge Nudge
Vaping has been endorsed by the UK government’s psycological “Nudge Unit”.
Eire On Fire
Ireland is launching draconian ecig advertising bans in September.
What A Waste
What happens to the batteries used by 2.8million UK vapers?
Shifting Sands
Regulations are coming, but there seems to be quite a lot of too and fro taking place in current approaches and expectations.
Ignorance by Design
With the ecig debate being muddied by misinformation some medical practitioners just don’t know what to think.
No way, Norway!
Could this signal the end of vaping in Norway?