Vaping News
NHS Ecigs
Consternation over ecigs on the NHS proposals
Tobacco Products Directive 2016
It’s as good as set in stone, so what does the TPD mean to UK vapers?
2016 – The end of vaping?
It is time to cast our eye to the year ahead and what it may mean to the vaping community.
2015 - The Golden Age of Vaping
That was a year that was. More mods, more juice, more studies and then there is the legislation.
Oman Ban
Oman ban dangerous ecigs – cigarette and cigar sales continue
Ecig Success with Scottish NHS
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde strike a blow with a sensible approach to ecigs
Banning Ecigs in Asia is Wrong
Findings released at a symposium reveal alarm at proposed bans across the continent.
Holland Attacks Evil Ecigs
The home of recreational soft drugs clamps down on 95% safer ecigs.
Poisonous Coverage
Science editors prove they lack scientific awareness by repeating popcorn lung slurs.
Malaise in Malaysia
Malaysia and Singapore are waging a war on evil – we are the evil.