Vaping News

Bans on public vaping?

Bit by bit the freedom to vape is being curtailed in public places – we look at events in Canada and France

Paying The Price Of Not Quitting

Smoking comes at a cost over and above that of just money. Does vaping really help smokers quit?

Life After The TPD

The Tobacco Products Directive threatens to rob us of liquids, vendors and equipment – but can it do that successfully?

MPs banned from vaping in their offices

The Houses of Parliament ban MPs from vaping in their offices.

Low-level support for anti-TPD demonstations

This week vaping advocates have organised a “Thunderclap” and Europe-wide demonstrations. Initial reports indicate low-level support. Why don’t most vapers want to get involved?

Why Do We Vape?

Why do we vape? News channels and a vape store attempt to answer the question.

Be Afraid of Vaping (Because we told you to)

It’s been another week of lies, damned lies and Photoshop images.

Travis Nummerdor and the no-fault battery venting accident

Mouth-to-lung hits take on a new meaning when a Facebook user publishes pictures of his vape-related injury.

Cry Freedom

In the face of 1,300 smoker deaths per day, Doctor Brad Rodu calls for the acceptance of smoke free nicotine alternatives.

E-cigs Less Addictive Then Smokes and Gum

A 2014 study returns to make news and is used to support vaping.