Vaping News

E-smoking: Damned By The Name

Media sources persist in using the term ‘smoking’ when they mean ‘vaping’.

GreenSmoke Ecigs Leave the UK

Customers worry about their products as GreenSmoke quits the UK market.

Brexit and Vaping

Brexit and Vaping: The June EU referendum is approaching and some are discussing what it means for ecigs

More Anti Ecig Smear

More Anti Ecig Smear: The wonderful people at CVS Health have advice for potential #ecig users

Harm Reduction Experts

Harm Reduction Experts: Canadian and Scottish experts support vaping for harm reduction

Big Tobacco in the Marketplace

Big Tobacco in the Marketplace: How the tobacco companies are coping with the #ecig market

Examiner Misrepresents Ecigs

Ecigs were covered on an American medical show but the events were twisted by a news outlet

The Public Image of Ecigs

The Public Image of Ecigs: How vaping is perceived dictates in part how lawmakers act

New Quitting Research Released

New studies released looking at smoking cessation

UEA To Investigate Attitudes to Vaping Kids

The University is looking at parent and guardian attitudes towards children vaping.