Vaping News

Notts Council Employee Vape Ban

Nottinghamshire Council has banned vaping by employees during work hours.

Sports Dietician Epitomises Ecig ignorance

Sports Dietician Epitomises Ecig ignorance: Nanci Guest demonstrates scientific illiteracy in Twitter spat

FDA Vape Ruling Imminent

U.S. Food & Drug Administration to release details of potential ecig ruling

Vape Collective

Vape Collective: The second vape event of the year is almost upon us

American Vapers Favour Democrats

American Vapers Favour Democrats: Most support Hillary according to a survey run by a vaping company.

Research Contradicts Farsalinos Asthma Study

A study has been released that contradicts findings by Farsalinos and Polosa.

Can Ecigs help beat Smoking-related Eye Problems?

Can smoking cause blindness? Is this another good reason to switch to electronic cigarettes?

Labour MP Slams Anti-Ecig Whingers

Labour MP Slams Anti-Ecig Whingers: Gloria Del Piero MP writes a pro-ecig column for The Sun #vaping #ecigs #vape

Does The Ecig Present Predict Our Vape Future?

Can we look at current events and envision a future for vapers?

Most Vapers are Ex-Smokers

Most Vapers are Ex-Smokers: A survey supports Professor West’s findings that the majority of vapers are ex-smokers