Vaping News

Royal College of Physicians’ John Britton

Regulator Watch interviews Professor John Britton about the RCP ecig report.

Call for public vaping ban denounced by PHE

Experts warn of the dangers of banning vaping in public.

Ecig Gateway Study Slammed

New study claiming to prove a gateway link to smoking slated for providing “no evidence”.

Jailcigs Ecigs In Court

A story that has been running for over a year moves towards its denouement.

Ecig Safety Fears Continue

Public perception of ecig benefits fall as the misinformation regarding danger gains traction.

Cannabis Vapes For Health

Researchers offer up a cannabis-based high-free ecig pain solution.

World Ecig News

World Ecig News: Electronic cigarette and harm reduction activity from around the globe

Doc’s Ecig Dilemma

Doc’s Ecig Dilemma: Letters to the New England Medical Journal leave more questions than answers

Green Smoke Charger Recall

Green Smoke Charger Recall: Green Smoke customers left concerned about faulty chargers

Hong Kong Vape Ban Imminent

The second home to the global vape export market steps closer to a total ban on vaping.