Vaping News

Ecig Gateway Study Slammed

New study claiming to prove a gateway link to smoking slated for providing “no evidence”.

Jailcigs Ecigs In Court

A story that has been running for over a year moves towards its denouement.

Ecig Safety Fears Continue

Public perception of ecig benefits fall as the misinformation regarding danger gains traction.

Cannabis Vapes For Health

Researchers offer up a cannabis-based high-free ecig pain solution.

World Ecig News

World Ecig News: Electronic cigarette and harm reduction activity from around the globe

Doc’s Ecig Dilemma

Doc’s Ecig Dilemma: Letters to the New England Medical Journal leave more questions than answers

Green Smoke Charger Recall

Green Smoke Charger Recall: Green Smoke customers left concerned about faulty chargers

Hong Kong Vape Ban Imminent

The second home to the global vape export market steps closer to a total ban on vaping.

Stupid Continues Its War On Vape

Examples of how stupid the world has been this week on matters of vape and common sense.

Chewing the Fat – An Ecig Benefit?

Some are linking the anti-smoking crusade to rising obesity rates but is it that clear cut?