Vaping News

The Global Forum for Nicotine

The third Global Forum on Nicotine was held in late June in Warsaw.

UCLA Say Ecig Harm Mouths

UCLA team say ecig vapour harms mouth cells in a new study.

Vaping Hitting The News

Vaping Hitting The News: Vaping is a story that the media continue to love for page hits

Advocacy in the UK

The regret motion in the House of Lords brings to an end a public push to overturn the TPD

Ecig Legislation Prompts Snus Challenge

Tobacco Products Directive implementation encourages Snus manufacturer to go to court

European Ecig Risk Report

The European Commission has presented a report to the Parliament on the risks posed by ecigs

The Ecig Market and Brexit

The Ecig Market and Brexit: As the financial markets head into choppy waters, do ecigs offer a good option for investors?

Public Health Joint Statement on Ecigs

Joint statement on e-cigarettes by Public Health England and other UK public health organisations

Public Health England Advice

The PHE has issued advice on the use of ecigs and ecig policy making in the workplace.

Vaping Groups Sue the FDA

Eleven vaping associations are challenging the FDA’s deeming regulations in federal court.