Vaping News

Hot Vape Study

Hot Vape Study: Another study claims to find elevated levels of aldehydes in hot vapes

Keep Smoking

Carolina doctors say it’s better to keep smoking than use ecigs to quit

Introducing Ecig Standards

If standards are going to be set for vaping, who do you trust to oversee them?

France Attacks Vape Ad Ban

Five French vaping-related associations launch an attack on the TPD advertising and promotion ban.

Official Approaches to Vaping

An international committee has been set up as GPs call for a ban on ecig prescriptions

Vapers Are Invisible to the FDA

An FDA director believes there is no evidence to say vaping works as a smoking cessation tool

Linda Bauld on RegulatorWatch

Linda Bauld states that vaping reduces cancer during a RegulatorWatch interview.

Vaping in The Fine City

A man’s house is raided by police and he is detained for the crime of vaping in private - welcome to Singapore.

Malaysia Vape Survey

Harsh ecig regulation is planned for Malaysia despite a positive study by Konstantinos Farsalinos.

Shift in French Ecig Attitudes

Sweeping changes in attitudes to traditional cigarettes and vaping are taking place in France