Vaping News

What Teens Vape - a study

While some may worry that vaping is a gateway to smoking, latest research provides a surprising insight.

Vaping Saves Lives

Vaping saves lives think a Nobel Prize winner, an American think tank and the respondents to Stealthvape’s efficacy survey.

Bacteria in Vape?

An article claims that a microbiologist has warned about a risk of bacteria in atomisers. Is this a genuine fear?

An Irrational Fear of Vape

Are electronic cigarettes dangerous? It’s probably best not to look at the Cheat Sheet website for a sensible answer.

The 26th Indiana Youth Survey

Despite constituting part of just two questions, vaping takes the lead in the headline delivering the results.

International Vape News

Latest electronic cigarette news of note from around the globe.

Fewer Airway Infections with Vaping

A study published in the Journal of Addiction Research & Therapy finds smokers contract fewer respiratory infections if they switch to vaping.

Is 0mg Juice a Tobacco Product?

The FDA has refused to clarify the position of zero nic liquids, a court case beckons.

Experts respond to "Vaping as bad as fags"

National redtop tabloid leads with a story about vaping affecting the heart.

McKee’s Ecig Comments Criticised

An argument has sparked off over ecig comments Martin McKee has made to the NEJM.