Vaping News

Stanton Glantz on Harm Reduction

Glantz demonstrates that his mind is not for changing when it comes to speaking about vaping.

Bad Press for Li-Ion Cells

Another spate of stories about li-ion cells focus on the vaping angle.

Farsalinos calls for legal action against poor journalism

Dr Farsalinos has called for the scientific community to band together and take legal action against a Times journalist.

Ecig Market Booming Despite Regulation

As the FDA smacks down vendors flouting regulations, reports are coming in of a surge in sales of kit and accessories.

Vaper Expo UK - The Return

One of the largest and most recognized vaping expo's in Europe, the ever popular Vaper Expo, returns to the NEC in Birmingham this Friday 14th October and runs until Sunday 16th October.

Ecig Implicated in Police Shooting

Californian police are alleged to have killed a man because they initially believed his vaping box and atomiser was a weapon.

Ontario Outrage

The battle of ecig regulation has escalated to new heights in Canada.

Ecig Blasting Curse

Ecig explosion on the Hogwarts Express Train in Orlando caused fear of dark arts.

Analysing Vape Toxicity

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory releases a report looking at the toxic potential of ecig vapour.

NNA calls for TPD to be repealed

Harm reduction advocates take the Health Secretary to task as other warn of regulation being the thin end of a wedge.