Vaping News

Vaping Experts to Sue Newspaper

Leading harm reduction advocates strike back at The Times for carrying a defamatory article.

Siegel Responds to Glantz

As a follow-up to Glantz’ Regulator Watch interview, Michael Siegel deconstructs his anti-vape position.

Chest Doctors’ Ecig Research

Dubious survey claims that electronic cigarettes provoke mixed reactions in clinicians, say anti-vape researchers.

Vape and the Eyes

Doctors’ warning about confusing eliquid with eye drops raises the subject of vaping and eye health.

India Grapples With Ecigs

Advocates claim vaping works, research reports positive conclusions and yet legislators still seek to stifle ecigs.

“Hazardous” Juice Packaging

Regardless of the legality, vaping’s name is being sullied by questionable eliquid branding.

Ridiculous US Vape Taxes Harm Smokers and Businesses

Excessive taxes on vaping are rolling out or proposed in Pennsylvania, Chicago and California.

Drunk from Vape Update

More news regarding the drink driver who claimed his vape pushed him over the limit.

Vape in the UK

An update of vape-related news in the United Kingdom.

Call to Investigate Passive Vaping

EU-funded investigation to look at second-hand vape emissions.