Vaping News

CDC Uses Vape Research to Misinform

Skewed interpretation of data leads the Centres of Disease Control and Prevention to make ridiculous claims about vaping.

Confirmed FBI Investigation into Indiana Vape Law

After months of speculation, the it’s finally announced that the FBI are investigating the creation of Indiana's eliquid monopoly.

A Challenge for Vaping

Depending on who you are, vaping can offer multiple benefits – or threats.

A Billion Lives

The movie about vaping is here – where can you see it or arrange a screening.

UCTAS Slams WHO For Lack Of Understanding

UCTAS academics are highly critical of the World Health Organisation report on ecigs.

Big Tobacco and Research

A report accuses Big T of influencing ecig laws as others question the value of its vape research.

USA Vape Troubles Continue

A presidential candidate advocates vaping, the FDA try to ramp up ways of limiting it and the law is getting involved.

Mixed Vape Messages

Can people access the truth about vaping if stories and experts are continually at odds?

Vape Tales

This week’s assorted stories from home about vapers and vaping.

The AAP Experience

The American Academy of Paediatrics unveiled more of the same ecig nonsense at their annual conference.