Vaping News

Cali’s Proposition 56

California passed Proposition 56 and the vaping industry takes another blow – but will Trump come to the rescue?

ACSH slams Vape Research

The American Council on Science and Health casts a disapproving eye over a couple of recent vape studies.

CoP7 Marred By Journo Ban

Taxpayer funded representatives voted to ban journalists from the CoP7 conference – then refused to explain why.

Genes For Quitting

If it isn’t the lies and distortions, then maybe your genes will get in the way of a successful quit smoking attempt.

Eliquid Sweetener Research

Research team examines the effect of sweeteners in eliquids by testing sweeteners that aren't commonly used in eliquids.

Latest Vaping News

Latest vaping news from a world in turbulent times.

Iowa's Attorney General Speaks About Vaping

General Tom Miller supports fact, data and the harm reduction potential of vaping.

Gateway Research Slams Vape Flavours

Children using flavoured ecigs more likely to smoke, claim researchers.

Conference of the Parties (COP7)

Delegates from 180 nations met to discuss the WHO’s approach to tobacco and ecigs. Controversy has gone hand in hand with the event, from boycotts to bans.

Vapes on a Plane

An ecig grounds a flight in Alaska and India extends its ban on ecigs on planes.