Vaping News

Bates on USA Vape Laws

Clive Bates delivers a blistering attack on American anti-vape legislation.

Farsalinos Attacks Adolescent Respiratory Study

A recent paper provides more evidence of fact manipulation and poor analysis being touted as scientific fact.

Big T Wins Ecig Court Case

Big Tobacco successfully fended off a potentially devastating lawsuit this week.

The R Street Vape Review

The R Street Institute has carried out a review of the vaping landscape in the States.

Stanton Glantz's New Enemy

Stanton Glantz has been fighting ecigs but is now setting his sights on a new target, "Big Cannabis".

Ecig Oral Research

Researcher believes ecig vapour is as damaging to gums and teeth as traditional cigarettes.

Toxic Research Dismantled

Desert Research Institute ‘Flavours’ research is debunked by Farsalinos.

Toxic Research

Scientists at the Desert Research Institute claim to have discovered dangerous levels of toxins in vape.

Vape Crimes

A combination of people feeling the pinch and the growth in vaping has led to continued ecig-related crime.

Factasia Counter WHO's Position

The World Health Organisation tells China ecigs aren’t safe but’s chief disagrees.