Vaping News

Man Explodes at Grand Central Station

Another exploding device gains media coverage.

10 Puffs Away from Heart Disease

Research claims to have found a link between vaping and heart disease.

Plastic Surgeons Cut Out Ecigs

Plastic surgeons have warned against vaping before having cosmetic surgery.

Who is being dishonest?

Both sides of the vape debate are calling on each other to behave more responsibly.

Criticism of Studies Rumble On

Two poor anti-vape studies continue to draw criticism from the science world.

Flavour Research Leaves Bad Taste

Academics at the University of North Carolina Lineberger comprehensive Cancer Centre have carried out a study looking at flavours in eliquids.

Vaping at the Crossroads

Public health officials and anti-vape campaigners appear to be emboldened in their attacks.

Trudeau’s Illiberal War on Vape

Justin Trudeau’s government steps up a war to crush vaping in Canada.

Reasons to Switch to Ecigs

Academics add to the list of reasons to make the switch from smoking to vaping.

Regulations Present a Stark Future for Vape

Experts and companies object to the FDA and WHO’s desire to control how we quit while ignoring the science.