Vaping News

BBC South Ecig Feature

BBC South carries a feature on the difficulties vapers have finding somewhere to vape at work.

Vaping and Sperm

A doctor claims that flavours in vape liquids has a negative impact on men’s prospects to reproduce.

Prison Vapes

Problems persist for prisoners attempting to access vape products instead of NRT.

Conflicting Communications about Vape

Study confirms the number mistakenly worried by fictitious ecig dangers is growing.

Big Pharma Undermining NHS Quit Service Advice

Pro-ecig training carried out in 2016 is being undermined by Big Pharma.

Brand Loyalty in Teens

Researcher drills down into the latest CDC data for brand popularity with teens.

Malaysia Moves To Ban Vape

Official policy is now to permit individual states to ban electronic cigarettes and other nicotine products.

Ecigs Don’t Fill Casualty Departments

American media coverage stoops to a new low in its anti-vape war.

Study: Vaping does not renormalise smoking

CSUR research pours cold water on the notion that vaping is a gateway to smoking.

New Year – New Opportunity

30-40% of remaining smokers will try to kick the habit this January