Vaping News

Vape Research

Three studies into areas surrounding vaping

Vape News Roundup

A collection of smaller ecig news stories you may have missed.

Businesses Feel Impact of Legislation

Vape businesses are beginning to strain under the burden of restrictive laws.

Canada clears the air around Ecigs

University of Victoria academics blow away gateway fears.

Snus Victory for the NNA

The High Court has just announced that it will allow the ban on the smoking substitute snus to be referred to the European Court of Justice.

Apple Rejects Vaping

Apple have stated to POTV that new releases and upgrades for vape related apps will be rejected from here-on in. Will Google and Facebook follow suit?

FDA To Probe Ecig Li-ion Safety

The American Food and Drug Administration is to investigate the safety of lithium-ion cells in electronic cigarettes.The American Food and Drug Administration is to investigate the safety of lithium-ion cells in electronic cigarettes.

NNA Set To Challenge Ban In Court

The New Nicotine Alliance is seeking to overturn the UK and EU SNUS ban.

Illegal UK Trading

Irresponsible vendors are undermining the benefit of less public smoking.

Banning is easier than explaining

The mask slipped this week as the FDA claimed explaining the advantages of vaping would confuse smokers.