Vaping News

Vape Ban Attempts Continue

American states go into overdrive to restrict vaping.

Scottish Ban and Farsalinos Speaks

Leading harm reduction expert speaks in Glasgow as Scotland bans vapes for under-18s.

Vapers Do It In Public

Academic arguments have been made for and against vaping in public spaces.

Junk Science Second-hand Vape Scare

CDC researchers produce a pointless and shockingly bad piece of science.

Harm Reduction Door Slammed Shut In Australia

Australian authorities have rejected appeals for vaping to treated more fairly.

Respected Physicist Attacks Tobacco Control Journal

Roberto Sussman attacks the lies lying behind a journal’s attempts at censorship.

New Zealand Legalises Vaping

As Australia clutches to the Dark Ages, New Zealand moves to make ecigs legal.

US Defence Dept Still At War

The American Department of Defence is waging a war – against vaping.

More Teen Vape Studies

Positivity from a source close to Big Tobacco, but hysteria from Hawaii.

Hooking Kids

Ludicrous calls to American legislators claim vaping is ensnaring a new generation of addicts.