Vaping News

Comprehensive Overview of Vaping Research

Researchers carry out a comprehensive study looking at previous vape research.

Flavour Ban Advances

The Heartland Institute argues that flavour bans are misguided.

Potential Brexit boost for Snus

Snus is playing a key role in getting all Swedish male smokers to quit. Could Brexit help UK smokers do the same?

Corby Won’t Quit Fags

The residents of Corby are bucking the national quit smoking trend.

RSPH Invent Shock Vape News

The Royal Society of Public Health seeks to raise its profile by slamming ecig retailers.

Anti-Vape Liars

Michael Siegel takes aim and fires at those he accuses of lying about electronic cigarettes.

Regulation Kills Innovation

Experts explain how excessive regulation will kill off vape market innovation.

Vape Tax

The USA is pushing unjustified taxes onto the vaping community.

Vapes in the Far East

Countries in the Far East fear that companies run by foreigners are targeting their youth.

Vape Celebrities Research

University of Georgia researchers say celebrities make vaping more attractive.