Vaping News

Andy Morrison - Global Forum for Nicotine talks

The GFN harm reduction roadshow ended up in Glasgow

British Vape News

A round up of British vape news.

Hunter Involved in Navy Vape Battle

The Vaping Congressman has entered the debate on the US Navy banning vapes.

Burns And Bangs Are Back

The media resumes its fascination with exploding battery stories.

US Navy Ban Vapes On Vessels

American navy sailors instructed to leave all vape devices on the mainland.

American Doctor Speaks Out

American doctor Mark Sikorski speaks out in favour of vaping and a harm reduction approach to policy making.

Vaping in 60 Minutes

Vaping featured on an Australian television program called 60 Minutes.

Vape Research Increases

A summary of some of the recent studies looking at electronic cigarettes and vaping.

Bates’ Call To Vapers

Advocate Clive Bates calls for vapers to “do the right thing”.

UK News Roundup

Recent vape-related news in the local and national media.