Vaping News

Rethinking Nicotine Addiction

London South Bank University and the NNA call for a rethink on nicotine addiction

FDA’s Deeming Regs Pushed Back

Trump credited with enforcing a delay in the implementation of the deeming regs.

ASH: Vaping Works For 1.5 Million

Action on Smoking and Health publishes the findings from the annual Smokefree GB survey.

Anti-THR Activists Fight Back

Vape-hating campaigners aren’t lying down and letting common sense win.

John Britton speaks in Canada

Professor John Britton spoke to the Canadian Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs about vaping.

Trump “Drains the Swamp” For Vape

Trump fires the anti-ecig Surgeon General and signals a change for US harm reduction policy.

The Hunter Vaping Legislation

From Thursday, the FDA’s discriminatory and ignorant deeming regs could be dust on the ground.

Middle East Vape Lies

UAE doctors make up facts while the cost of vaping soars in Iran.

The Best Advice

Where can you obtain the best advice about vaping and vape devices?

Ruth Tennant - Global Forum for Nicotine talks

Ruth Tennant spoke as part of the Global Forum for Nicotine talks.