Vaping News

Attitudes of Europeans towards tobacco and electronic cigarettes

European Commission’s 2017 Eurobarometer update is out and indicates a failing approach to tobacco harm reduction.

The Two Faces of Vaping

On one hand, ecigs are presented as tools of danger, while on the other they’re seen as devices to reduce harm.

Dentists Down In The Mouth About Vaping

Dentists in Northern Ireland remain cautious about patients vaping.

University Of California Push Ecig Fibs

Repeated guff comes out from the Californian medicine and academic communities.

Northern Ireland Reinventing The Wheel

A researcher in Ireland plans on duplicating other British ecig studies.

Teen Never-Smokers Notice Advertising

University of California academic coordinates another attack on vaping.

Bladder Cancer Claim

Presentations at a conference claim there is a link between ecig vapour and bladder cancer.

FDA Urged To Drop Vape Rules

Trump appointee Dr. Scott Gottlieb faces pleading to bin the FDA’s anti-vape anti-business rules.

The Impact of the TPD

The Tobacco Products Directive has come to pass, and Britain may pay a heavy price.

Prison Warning

Vaping helps combat nicotine addiction but a smoke-free policy in prison is being linked to potential violence.