Vaping News

Australian Debate Becomes Heated

The vaping debate in Australia is getting heated, a scientist's poster is ripped down.

Another Survey Debunks Gateway Claims

"Most comprehensive study to date" crushes the notion of a gateway effect for UK teens.

Tobacco industry-funded research

Polosa examines the scientific and ethical obligations to publish tobacco industry-funded research

Switching Studies

Two new studies looking at switching from smoking to vaping, one done and one about to happen.

Cochrane’s Eight Research Priorities

The Cochrane Tobacco Addiction Group enlisted experts to identify 8 priorities for tobacco control research.

The World In Vaping

Global vape news covering bans, plans and all things underhand.

US Surgeon General Critiqued

Academics offer a critique of the US Surgeon General’s conclusions regarding e-cigarette use.

The Toxicological Implications of Eliquid

Doctor speaks about the toxicological implications of liquid ingredients.

THR on Primary Care Today

The Primary Care Today podcast interviews David Sweanor about Tobacco Harm Reduction.

Euston Vape Closure

A venting mod caused panic, bomb fears and the closure of Euston train station.