Vaping News

Moral Psychology Expert on Tobacco Control

An American academic explains the bias that drives people to oppose vaping as a harm reduction tool.

World Vape News

Dangerous and perplexing tales from the world of vape.

Glantz Faces Sexual Harassment Allegations

Outspoken anti-vape campaigner Stanton Glantz stands accused of sexual harassment.

Juice Company’s Success

A UK juice firm has enjoyed spectacular success and reports huge turnover in first 18 months.

More Positive Research News

Two more independent studies that present the benefits of vaping.

Stoptober Attacked in The Lancet

Non-specialist academics attack Stoptober for encouraging smokers to swap smoking for vaping.

Nicotine Brain Science

A study claims that some of us are more likely to desire nicotine because of our genes.

Fake Ecig Mouth Cancer Fear

Doctors cite two case studies to say that vaping can lead to mouth cancer.

World Vape News

Top tales from the world of vape.

Gerry Stimson Discusses Ecigs

Professor Gerry Stimson ventures his opinions on electronic cigarettes.