Vaping News
ASA Rap IVG Vape Ad
Three issues relating to an IVG Vape advert were investigated by the Advertising Standards Authority, of which two were upheld and one was not upheld
Top 10 Flavour Papers
With eliquid flavours under threat from a misguided government, Planet of the Vapes looks at the findings of ten leading vape flavour related research papers
Vaping Driving New Zealand Success
A new GSTHR Briefing Paper shows that smoking is disappearing in Aotearoa New Zealand due to pro-consumer laws and an endorsement for vaping
Raids In County Durham
Raids conducted by County Durham Trading Standards team has discovered £26,000’s worth of illegal stock at two shops highlighting a growing problem
ACS Launches Guide
The Association of Convenience Stores has launched an extended vaping guide to help retailers with disposables ban
Cash For Stop Smoking Services
The government is “investing” an additional £70 million in 2025 to 2026 to support local authority led stop smoking services, says the Department for Health and Social Care
Public Health Win in Thailand
A shift to emphasising tobacco harm reduction in public health policy is a “win” for Thailand, according to the Coalition of Asia Pacific Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates
UKVIA Calls for Environmental Enforcement
The UK Vaping Industry Association is calling for greater environmental enforcement and education following new Material Focus research
A Day Per Week
Quitting smoking for New Year could add a day onto your life for every week you remain tobacco-free, according to University College London experts
4 - Autumn 2024 Round-up
It’s time for the final article looking at the year we’ve just had – and it’s bound to end on a positive high note, right? Right?