Vaping News

GFN 24: Next Week

The only global tobacco harm reduction event that covers vaping and includes consumers in its vision begins online for free and live in Warsaw next week

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The Global Forum on Nicotine, the only global tobacco harm reduction event that covers vaping and includes consumers in its vision, begins online for free and live in Warsaw next week. Make sure that you register (for free) if you would like to stream some of the high-quality content.

With just a week to go until the Global Forum on Nicotine welcomes conference participants and online viewers to #GFN24 in Warsaw, the organisers are delighted to be sharing some of the fascinating #GFNFive creations the Global Forum on Nicotine community has produced for #GFN24.

Check out these *brand new* #GFNFives

They say: “Starting with the THR advocates and consumers, Chris Baxter put a spotlight on the reasons why people use nicotine, whilst Lindsey Stroud (who will be joining #GFN24 panel discussion ‘The costs of prohibition’ and workshop ‘Media engagement for consumers’) examined the notoriously secretive nature of the recent FCTC COP10 meeting in Panama. Marc Seidler highlighted sCOPe’s livestream tackling misinformation, featuring several well-known faces of THR, whilst in his #GFNFive Igor Yatskov looked at smoking cessation from the perspective of the medical professional, with a focus on including safer nicotine products in the clinical conversation surrounding quitting smoking.

John Oyston gave us an update to the increased visibility and conversation surrounding nicotine pouches in Canada, and the corresponding shift in government messaging surrounding these safer products. And moving to Australia, Chase Wallace asked how many lives could potentially be saved if the Australian government moved away from its hardline prohibitionist strategy for safer nicotine products.

Konstantinos Farsalinos (joining us for #GFN24 panel discussion ‘Legislation and regulation - health and economic consequences’ and #ScienceLabexplored the role of flavours in smoking cessation in his #GFNFive, highlighting that flavour preference changes over time. And in her film Aylen Van Isseldyk looks at the intersection of environmental concerns and tobacco harm reduction, especially the need for a strong focus on sustainability with regards to safer products.”

This year, attendees will be able to join in with dedicated Science Lab sessions where Science Lab participants will be giving 15-minute presentations as part of #GFN24 Science Lab.

For those viewing the event online, you can still view the Science Lab films, which are being added to the website.

  • You can register for the Global Forum on Nicotine #GFN24 here.
  • The conference programme is available here.

Photo Credit:

  • Images provided by the Global Forum on Nicotine

Dave Cross avatar

Dave Cross

Journalist at POTV
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Dave is a freelance writer; with articles on music, motorbikes, football, pop-science, vaping and tobacco harm reduction in Sounds, Melody Maker, UBG, AWoL, Bike, When Saturday Comes, Vape News Magazine, and syndicated across the Johnston Press group. He was published in an anthology of “Greatest Football Writing”, but still believes this was a mistake. Dave contributes sketches to comedy shows and used to co-host a radio sketch show. He’s worked with numerous start-ups to develop content for their websites.

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