From Keynote 2:
“It was fascinating to see how quickly no smoking signs were updated to include no vaping. There are also now dual smoking and vaping areas, but it makes no sense to get people who are trying to quit smoking to congregate with smokers” - Dr Mark Tyndall, infectious diseases specialist, epidemiologist, and public health physician; former Director of the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control
From Panel 5:
“Which human rights relate to safer nicotine? The right to health – that’s what first comes to mind. But there are others too. [...] The right to autonomy and the right to information are both essential for the right to health. And harm reduction offers the best route to achieving the right to health and the right to autonomy” - Tomás O’Gorman, Pro-Vapeo Mexico
“Public health is about basic stuff, like humanism and empathy. Asking ourselves first how we can reduce death and disease. We’ve done it before with HIV/AIDS prevention. We’ve seen it in other areas of drug policy – in Canada, where I’m from, there’s legal injecting sites, cannabis law reform and some decriminalisation. That’s because these interventions make it less likely that people will get sick and die. And they are no different to the arguments now being made in Canada about the right to access vaping products” - Professor David Sweanor, University of Ottowa
Day 1 - Thursday 16 June
- Michael Russell Oration with Konstantinos Farsalinos:
- Kevin Molloy Fellowships:
- Michael Russell Award - given to Professor Brad Rodu:
Day 2 - Friday 17 June
- Keynote 1 The unchecked power of philanthropy, with Marc Gunther -
- Panel 1 Academic freedom and the ghost of Senator Joseph R McCarthy -
- Panel 4 Benefits of nicotine -
- Roundtable: Tobacco industry transformation - myth or reality? -
Day 3 - Saturday 18 June
- Keynote 2 - Contradictions in the health debate around vaping, with Mark Tyndall. -
- Panel 5 - Safer nicotine: human rights and legal challenges -
- Keynote 3 CommUNITY: regional networks in THR consumer advocacy, with Nancy Loucas -
- Plenary discussion: Tobacco harm reduction - here for good -
From Panel 6:
“Regulation always comes behind innovation and this is unfortunately something regulators sometimes forget. These regulations should always leave space for innovation. When we look at the history of vaping devices, they are not only an amazing innovation, they’re also an innovation that’s been pushed by the consumers, and that should be allowed” - Federico Fernández, Somos Innovación
From Plenary Session:
“I think consumers plays a huge role and they should mobilise themselves. They have to use their own arguments and exercise their right to have products available that will help them protect themselves. There need to be more organisations. They need to be creative to find ways to put pressure on the EU. We need to act in a more aggressive way, and I say ‘we’ as I’m also a consumer. When I was trying to quit smoking, I tried everything, but it was an e- cigarette I was successful with. The reality is there are millions of people who have quit smoking with e-cigarettes. That is a fact and nobody can change that” – Dr Konstantinos Farsalinos, University of Patras and the School of Public Health at the University of West Attica

Dave Cross
Journalist at POTVDave is a freelance writer; with articles on music, motorbikes, football, pop-science, vaping and tobacco harm reduction in Sounds, Melody Maker, UBG, AWoL, Bike, When Saturday Comes, Vape News Magazine, and syndicated across the Johnston Press group. He was published in an anthology of “Greatest Football Writing”, but still believes this was a mistake. Dave contributes sketches to comedy shows and used to co-host a radio sketch show. He’s worked with numerous start-ups to develop content for their websites.
Join the discussion
NNA Details Committee Concerns
The New Nicotine Alliance has written to express its concerns about statements made during the Health and Social Care Committee oral evidence session conducted last Wednesday
Doctor Survey Discussed
A panel of tobacco control experts have discussed the findings from the Foundation for a Smokefree World’s Sermo’s Doctors’ Survey
HK Needs To Allow Choice
Hong Kong must give smokers the choices they need to quit, says the Coalition of Asia Pacific Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates