Vaping News

We Vape’s Call To Action

Campaign group We Vape has issued a call to vapers to join in with the UK Government’s consultation into vaping and tobacco products

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Campaign group We Vape has issued a call to vapers to join in with the UK Government’s consultation into vaping and tobacco products (TRPR). The organisation believes that vapers have a critical role to play in communicating evidence and the importance of changing legislation to maximise the potential for reduced harm alternative nicotine products.

We Vape1 says: “The UK Government has now launched its consultation2 into vaping and tobacco products.”

Mark Oates, who set up We Vape, commented: “Vaping around the world is under threat. The EU have just released a plan to tax it just as they do with cigarettes, they also want to ban flavours, and vaping outdoors in public places. We cannot let these kind of policies happen in the UK. It is not only an infringement on our rights to use a safer alternative to smoking but will also lead to far less people making the switch and therefore more smoking deaths in the long term.

“It is very rare that we have an opportunity like this to make our voice heard and so please don't miss this chance and if you can let your vaping friends know about the consultation. If you are on social media spread the word by posting about the consultation on your pages or forums. Thank you for all your help keeping vaping safe.”

We Vape says: “It is vital that as many vapers as possible respond to the consultation.” In order to assist vapers to take part, it has created a guide:

The deadline for submissions is the 19th March 2021.

It says the TRPR review will lead to a overhaul of the laws applying to vaping and other alternative nicotine products. Yet, despite a supportive government, “pressure from other countries around the world and in particular the World Health Organisation could see the UK’s position change.”

It is this worry about the influence others could exert on the final outcome that drives We Vape’s desire for vapers to get involved: “One of the strongest messages vapers can send is about how vaping has impacted your life, therefore it is essential that vapers use this review process effectively.”

This consultation provides a unique opportunity to have your voice heard and to share your thoughts on how vaping should be regulated. We Vape are here to support all vapers and ensure that your voices are heard and listened to by the Government. Therefore, We Vape has created a handy guide3 to the consultation questions relevant to vaping and some suggestions of what you might include in your response.”


  1. We Vape –
  2. Tobacco and related products legislation introduced between 2015 to 2016: reviewing effectiveness -
  3. We Vape’s guide to answering the questions -

Photo Credit:

  • Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

Dave Cross avatar

Dave Cross

Journalist at POTV
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Dave is a freelance writer; with articles on music, motorbikes, football, pop-science, vaping and tobacco harm reduction in Sounds, Melody Maker, UBG, AWoL, Bike, When Saturday Comes, Vape News Magazine, and syndicated across the Johnston Press group. He was published in an anthology of “Greatest Football Writing”, but still believes this was a mistake. Dave contributes sketches to comedy shows and used to co-host a radio sketch show. He’s worked with numerous start-ups to develop content for their websites.

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