Vaping News

Taking The P Out Of Ecigs

The Mirror delights in the most objectionable vaping story to date.

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The Daily Mirror is a failing tabloid desperately fighting against following the same route to oblivion that other printed publications have trodden. With scant regard to the legitimacy of a story, they publish anything in order to generate click-thru advertising revenue.

We have pointed out the Daily Mirror’s tactics in the past and this week highlighted their position as a media organisation that relishes the salacious over genuine journalism. The Press Gazette reported this week that “the plunging Mirror sales” contributed to a “12.3 per cent year on year” drop in circulation.

We will not be linking back to the original story that Jasper Hamill took from newswires, suffice to say that it is there and they don’t need us adding to their click figures. Hamill took time out from writing about love rats and sexbots with lifelike vaginas to share the alleged tale of a vaper – taken directly from that bastion of truth that is Reddit.

He pens that a “potty-minded” father dealt a harsh life lesson to his son. One might wonder how much of the story Hamill actually wrote given the inclusion of Americanised spellings?

Reddit user OmegaTigBitties began his tale a fortnight ago when he posted: “As the title stated, I just got a brand new Horizon Arctic tank to go with my Kanger Subtank mini. I threw in the .5 ohm coil. I went to grab my juice. Since I haven't vaped in about a week, my juice just sat there, and it looked more liquidy than normal. I continued to fill my tank, soak the wick and took a hit.. What.. the XXXX.. the taste I was getting was a mix of dog piss and grape(which was the flavor) and no clouds came out. I tried again and again, gagging at the taste but to no avail. Can someone tell me what's going on?”

This was followed up a week later with a new thread titled My dad peed in my juice. In it he claims: “So this all happened today. My mom cleaned my(18M) room, found my vape pen, and gave it to my dad to destroy. Now i texted him about it, here are the texts: Now i know i was being a smartass but he's the same way. Now after reading and texted him I realized something, i had an issue where about a week ago my juice tasted like piss, here's the link to my post in this sub: Just wanted to share this with you as I'm livid right now and don't know what to do, knowing that i lost my Kangertech Subox Mini, and my Horizon arctic tank, and 20$ in juice, along with the fact that i vaped my own father's piss.”

Do you believe this story or reckon it is nothing more than another internet-based cry for attention?

Dave Cross avatar

Dave Cross

Journalist at POTV
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Dave is a freelance writer; with articles on music, motorbikes, football, pop-science, vaping and tobacco harm reduction in Sounds, Melody Maker, UBG, AWoL, Bike, When Saturday Comes, Vape News Magazine, and syndicated across the Johnston Press group. He was published in an anthology of “Greatest Football Writing”, but still believes this was a mistake. Dave contributes sketches to comedy shows and used to co-host a radio sketch show. He’s worked with numerous start-ups to develop content for their websites.

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